In this Great White Throne Judgement final justice over sin debt is served.
Judgement day has been written about extensively throughout scripture.
Jesus is the judge sitting on this throne.
Man’s contribution to this judgement is the sin that made it necessary and the foolish rejection of Jesus’ substitutionary atonement that would have rescued them.
It is a glorious thought my name is written in the Book of Life.
There is debate about exactly who is being judged here. Once school of thought is that it is for all people, believers and unbelievers alike. However, the emphasis of this passage is on the fate of unbelievers. Was John’s vision of this incomplete? There is no specific mention of believers here which leads to the second school of thought- this judgement is exclusively for unbelievers. This isn’t a judgement of “saved” v/s “lost”, rather a time for each unbeliever (all of whom are doomed) to give an account of their deeds. Perhaps this is so their punishment fits their sin. One thing is crystal clear here- there is a Book of Life and if anyone’s name is not written in it their eternal future is Hell, eternal separation. There is only one thing that seals the deal for being condemned to Hell, rejecting Jesus’ gift of salvation.
Almighty God, I trust and rest in you alone.