7 Arrows Bible Study Method

7 Arrows questions:

  1. What does this passage say? [explainer video for arrow 1]
  2. What does this passage mean to its original audience? [explainer video for arrow 2]
  3. What does this passage tell us about God? [explainer video for arrow 3]
  4. What does this passage tell us about man? [explainer video for arrow 4]
  5. What does this passage demand of me? [explainer video for arrow 5]
  6. How does this passage change the way I relate to people? [explainer video for arrow 6]
  7. How does this passage prompt me to pray? [explainer video for arrow 7]


  • Seven Arrows: Aiming Bible Readers in the Right Direction is the book written by 7 Arrows developer/creator, Pastor Matt Rogers. Personally, I prefer the short “explainer videos” he did (as listed above)…but the book does have lots of detail and example. My preference is to keep the method as simple as possible (sorry Matt :).
  • I have enjoyed using my new CSB Notetaking Bible to record my 7 Arrows notes. *If I would have waited until October 2019 I could have gotten this nicer binding. I also really like this Pigma Micron 005 pen. It has a super fine tip and does not easily bleed through thin Bible pages. You can also buy these locally at a craft store like Hobby Lobby.
  • I am currently going through the 7 Arrows study with the couples Connection Group (small group) that I am a part of. We are reading about a chapter a week, taking notes, and reviewing them together each week. I am blogging my notes through this week to week from the beginning of September until February 16. You can find those notes here if you like. Our student (youth) small groups and college small groups are also going through John this way.
Here is my CSB Notetaking Bible and Pigma Micron 005 pen (on the left). I like to use a scrap piece of paper to get my 7 Arrows answers together before copying them to my Bible.

Super Summer Mississippi : Bible Study & Prayer

Hey folks. I hope to be back with the regular weekly podcast in August…maybe a little sooner. My summer schedule has been full of traveling- youth camps, mission trip, vacation, & more camps. Right now I am at Super Summer Mississippi with some awesome people!

Today I am teaching a session called “Bible Study & Prayer” for the Orange School of Super Summer. I promised to share my notes, so here they are in a downloadable PDF form. Also, here is a link to a podcast I did some time ago called “Bible Reading- Help!”. Its short, only 10 minutes…but gives some tips & encouragement on getting more out of your Bible reading.

Hope you all have a great rest of the summer!


THE Mission #onmission #onpurpose

Jesus gave THE mission & order. Who will follow?


  • The word “Christian” appears 3 times in the New Testament.
  • The word “disciple” appears over 260 times in the New Testament.
  • The primary descriptor of Jesus’ followers is “disciple”.
  • The “Great Commission is about being a disciple of Jesus and helping others become disciples of Jesus.

18 Jesus came near and said to them, “All authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth. 19 Go, therefore, and make disciples of  all nations,baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,20 teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

Matthew 28:18-20

Encouragement on how to stay #onmision:

  1. Train. 1 Timothy 4:8
  2. Make war. Galatians 5:16
  3. Avoid “mission drift”. 1 Corinthians 6:12


Psalm 22 & Good Friday


  • “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” was quoted by Jesus on the cross to point people to the prophecies being fulfilled.
  • Psalm 22 is a Messianic prophecy written 1000 years before Jesus’ earthly ministry, and about that far before crucifixion was devised.


Preparing your soul & family for Easter

Easter is the highest day on the Christian calendar, so make the most of it!

Three practical ways to prepare for Easter (Resurrection Sunday):

  1. You need a personal plan. If you aren’t already having personal devotion / quiet time with the Lord you aren’t likely to follow through with any other plans either. Walk with Jesus!
  2. You need a family plan. Parents/grandparents, use this “natural” rhythm of the year to point to Jesus. I was at a city Easter Egg hunt today at the park meeting people and I overheard a grandmotherly lady say “this is what Easter is all about”, referring to kids gleefully hunting eggs. Hey, it was cute to see them scurrying around…but that is NOT what its all about. How will your the children in your life know what its all about? Answer: by your actions.
  3. You need a church plan. If your church already has special Easter plans your family can assist with- fantastic. If not, here there are practical ways you could help (listed below).


  • In this podcast I quoted research that 72% of the unchurched are likely to attend church if a friend, co-worker, neighbor or family member invites them. Well, I made a mistake… I mis-spoke. It’s actually 82%. Sorry about that. Here is an interesting article about church invites.
  • Some practical ways your family could roll into your “church plan”:
    1. Invite specific people. If 8 of of 10 spiritually unconnected family/friends would attend if invited (see above stat & article) this is huge! If you church has invite cards with your address & service times- use them. If they don’t, make some. It doesn’t have to be fancy because it really your invite that counts. The card is just a reminder of the times.
    2. Easter morning at your church…be in the parking lot before services. This might mean you need to duck out of your small group early. If so, do it! Tons of new people will be trying to find their way in for worship so help them. If you talk with your small group / Sunday school class in advance they might help as well. Meet people in the parking lot. Introduce yourself. Show them where to go. If its raining, meet people with umbrellas. Invite people to sit with you . Introduce them to others. Help wrangle their kids. If you want to be really swanky set up a place near the front door (but not in the way of traffic) to take family pictures of folks (use their phones). Most moms love this! And the vast majority of folks have a camera/phone, but just not someone offering to take the pic.

Some Jesus/resurrection movies:

  • Risen (2016)- This is an interesting movie because it starts with the resurrection and the storyline after is a Roman soldier trying to come to grips with what happened. It is a great conversation starter.
  • The Passion of the Christ (2004)- This is a beautifully filmed movie- very realistic…which also means quite gruesome in the crucifixion. Parents, beware…personally, I’m not rolling this one out until my children are in their teens. There is also some odd scenes that push artistic license, but all in all it captures the culture of the time and the weight of the crucifixion. The original version of the movie received an R rating for violence…& no doubt it is brutal. Director Mel Gibson came back and made a slightly less gory version called “The Passion Recut”. In this DVD package it seems that both versions are included, but I’m not positive. I have not seen the “recut” version myself.
  • The Greatest Story Ever Told (1965)
  • King of Kings (1961)
  • The Robe (1953)
  • Son of God (2014)
  • The Jesus Film (1979)

More resources:

Resurrection Eggs
Chronological Bible
Episode #2 Bible Reading Help
Episode #6 Spiritual Awakening
Episode #4 Church Chat- Does the church really matter?

Resurrection Eggs are great with young children! Its a great way to get them involved in the greatest [true] story ever told.
This is all 4 gospel books in Chronological order, color coded. I find this especially helpful leading up to the Crucifixion & Resurrection of Jesus.

I’m not mad, bro…but is God angry?

How do people get to the idea that God is angry?

  1. Maybe they’ve met an angry Christian (layperson or preacher) who seemed excited about delivering bad news (like condemnation).
  2. Pop culture is filled with imagery of God as a mean old man who enjoys chunking lighting bolts at mortals.
  3. And finally, the Bible. Yes, the Bible does speak of God’s anger, or wrath, toward sin.


  • It is possible to be angry and not sin (Ephesians 4:26-27).
  • Anger can be just. Anger can move one to appropriate action.
  • Anger can be just. But anger can also move one to inappropriate (unjust) action. Humans really struggle with this. God does not struggle with this at all.
  • God’s anger towards sin is just- it is the right response because sin destroys everything.
  • And while God hates sin, he is merciful to sinners (Romans 5:8).
  • God has done everything to reach out to sinners and rescue them. Only the ungrateful will refuse to be rescued.
  • Every sin will be dealt with by God’s wrath. Either the sinner pays, or Jesus pays- but every sin debt gets paid.

More resources:

Five Truths About the Wrath of God (short article)
*The Fair Use audio clip in this episode is from the Disney movie “The Little Mermaid

I’ve Got Rhythm?

These things are descriptive- not prescriptive.  What I mean is, I’m not suggesting that this list is the authority.  What I am trying to do is help folks see that their own spiritual growth takes thought & action.

How does a Christ-follower develop daily spiritual rhythms?

  1. Start early.
  2. Set a time and place to spend one on One time with God.
  3. Pray before meals.
  4. Involve the spiritual with the every day.


  • Early doesn’t come easy for every person, but for most people early is the best shot at carving out some solitude- which is desperately needed when trying to spend meaningful time with Jesus.
  • If you value Bible reading you really need to set a normal time and place or its just not likely to happen. 
  • Meals are often a social time as well, shared with family, friends, or co-workers.  What a great time to acknowledge God together.
  • A word of warning…praying at any set time like this can become an empty ritual IF you are not genuinely talking to God.  And by ritualistic prayer, I mean meaningless…like just mumbled on auto-pilot with little thought to what is being said or who it is being said to.
  • We would all be better off living life with no separation between sacred and secular.

More resources:

Episode 2 – “Bible Reading Help”

Spiritual Awakening

What does revival really look like?

Here are some of Claude King’s questions used in this podcast. The complete list with extra notes can be found here.

  1. Am I quick to recognize when I have sinned and agree with God in confession?
  2. Am I more grieved over how my sin has offended a holy God (repentance) than I am over the consequences that I have reaped for my sin (remorse)?
  3. Do I have regular, concentrated times of prayer, when I am alone with the Lord?
  4. Do I faithfully pray for the needs of my mate, children, and other family members?
  5. Do I pray specifically for those around me who are lost and in need of a Savior?
  6. Have I completely surrendered to Jesus Christ as the Master and Lord of my life?
  7. Am I willing to sacrifice whatever God asks to see Him move in my life and church (time, convenience, comfort, reputation, pleasure, etc.)?
  8. Do l love to read and meditate on the Word of God?
  9. Does my life change in response to what I read in the Bible?
  10. Do I spend time each day sitting at the feet of Jesus, listening to His Word and worshiping Him?
  11. Do I freely and regularly express my love, devotion, and praise to the Lord Jesus?


  • It is possible to have revival meetings and not experience a spiritual awakening / spiritual renewal.
  • Walking with Jesus is an hour by hour, day by day, week by week trajectory.
  • Don’t wait for a [revival] meeting to being walking with Jesus.

More resources:

Consecrate The People : Renewing Our Covenant Commitments to Jesus Christ
by Claude King
This 8 day devotional challenge is an excellent way to get on the road of spiritual renewal. Thanks to Claude King for making this little e-book so accessible.

Sinners In The Hands of an Angry God
This is the classic sermon preached by Jonathan Edwards on July 8, 1741 in Enfield, Massachusetts (now Connecticut).

The Line

On Sunday, March 10, 2019, I preached at East Booneville Baptist Church in both morning worship services. Our pastor, Bro. Steve Howell, graciously asks me to do this every once in a while if he is planning on being out of town. This particular message is called, “The Line”. It looks at the truth that Jesus was FULL of both grace AND truth…and we…well, we are not. We mortals (even the Christ following ones) tend to lead one way or the other. So, no, this is not one of my “10 Minutes #onpurpose” podcasts. And it’s not 10 minutes-more like 33 minutes. But if you are interested in checking it out you can listen at the link above. Or, you can watch below. And if you want them, here are the notes.

You Gotta’ Have Faith!

…but what is faith? How do I get more?

Here are some questions this podcast addressed:

  1. What is faith?
  2. Where does faith come from?
  3. How can I get more faith?
  4. What are evidences (proof) of faith?


  • Faith is about trust.
  • You can’t trust what you don’t know / haven’t experienced.
  • Many of our “heros of the Faith” (see Hebrews 11- the “Hall of Faith”) had trouble with…faith.
  • Faith is a gift from God (Ephesians 2:8-9).
  • Without faith it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6).
  • Faith comes by hearing the message of Christ (God’s truths, God’s Word…Romans 10:17).
  • If you want faith to take root in your heart, get to know God better. Getting in the word is the number one place to begin. As you consistently get to know God through the Word, worship, and serving Him, God will build your faith.