Does the church really matter?
“I really love Jesus, but I hate the church.” Wait, what? What are some reasons someone could have that attitude/view?
- Some people have a bad idea of what the church is.
- In our modern day 21st century American culture we tend to value individualism too highly.
- Some people don’t realize that the church is Jesus’ idea.
- The church is both universal & local. Both are important.
- The church is a people, not just an organization, building, or meeting space.
- “Church people are just a bunch of hypocrites.” Oh no…but we are so much more. *facepalm*
- Some people are church hurt. Very few people complain about grocery store hurt or movie theatre hurt.
- Be devoted to one another… (Rom.12:10), honor one another… (Rom. 12:10), live in harmony with one another… (Rom. 12:16), accept one another…(Rom. 15:7), serve one another… (Galatians 5:13), be kind and compassionate to one another… (Eph. 4:32), admonish one another… (Col.3:16), encourage one another… (1 Thess. 5:11; Heb. 3:13), spur one another on toward love and good deeds (Heb. 10:24), offer hospitality to one another… (1 Peter 4:9), love one another… (1 Peter 1:22).