7 ARROWS : Luke 24

Jesus is risen & #onmission!

With this chapter the loose ends are tied up and sense is made of the life and death of Jesus.

God follows through with his plans perfectly.

It takes more than seeing to believe (v.31). Jesus has to supernaturally open spiritual eyes.

I must fix my gaze on the risen Christ!

Some people have all of the information about Jesus but lack transformation- and that’s God’s work.

Lord Jesus, thank you for sharing your glorious resurrection with me!

7 ARROWS : Luke 23

Jesus laid down his life.

This would have been a very disheartening day for all who believed Jesus was the Messiah.

Jesus stayed #onmission- even in the turmoil of this most terrible day.

Jesus was viewed with extreme emotion- both compassionate/loving and hateful. Today is no different.

Never forget the cross.

This story of the sacrifice by the Son of God should be told to everyone.

Father, thank you for Jesus’ sacrifice. I am eternally grateful.

7 ARROWS : Luke 22:39-71

Jesus prays, is twice betrayed, arrested, mocked, beaten, and condemned by religious leaders.

The thought of the Messiah being treated like this would have been difficult take in.

Jesus has prepared for this for his entire earthy life.

All kinds of people disrespect Jesus.

Do not betray Jesus. But no matter what know that Jesus will not betray me.

Do not give up on people. You never know who will respond to the Gospel.

Father, forge steadfast faith within me.

7 ARROWS : Luke 22:1-38

Jesus is trying to focus his disciples for the mission but the gravitate towards their own interests.

Early Jewish readers would likely see the connection between the Passover and Jesus becoming the Lab of God who takes away the sins of the world.

Jesus is razor sharp in his mission. He is also extremely patient with his not-so-sharp disciples.

We tend to want Jesus’ spotlight for ourselves.

Don’t be petty and self-serving.

Disciples of Jesus are imperfect works in progress, just like his original disciples, and just like me.

Jesus, help me be about pointing the spotlight toward you!

7 ARROWS : Luke 21

Jesus looks to the future and commands his disciples to pay attention and stay on mission.

This talk of the temple being destroyed would not have been understood fully until after 70A.D.

God has perfect knowledge of the big picture of time.

Mankind is short sighted and easily distracted.

Watch and pray, #onmission #onpurpose.

Help others keep an eye on the big picture and prepare.

Lord Jesus, come soon.

7 ARROWS : Luke 20

Several groups of religious leaders try to play “gotcha” with Jesus. It didn’t end well for them.

The people would have been familiar with these religious leaders abusing their power and authority.

God will not be mocked without consequence.

When men get power we tend to get cocky.

I don’t need to become impressed with myself.

Too many people have a bad taste in their mouth because of terrible religious leaders. Don’t be that guy.

Father, please help me stay grounded to you.

7 ARROWS : Luke 19:11-47

Jesus enters Jerusalem for his crucifixion.

I think early hearers/readers would have understood Jesus was still explaining the Kingdom with godly passion while clearly preparing to die.

Jesus was willing to do the hard but essential ministry.

Man is capable of breaking Jesus’ heart.

Don’t be afraid to teach God’s word no matter who is watching.

Keep eyes on the mission regardless of the circumstances.

Kingdom minded and on mission- that is my prayer.

7 ARROWS : Luke 19:1-10

Zacchaeus follows Jesus.

Jesus reaching out to a chief tax collector would have surprised early Jewish hearers- maybe even repulsed them. Jesus really does love sinners!

Jesus came to seek and save the lost.

Nobody is too far gone for God to reach.

Be quick to take any opportunity to boldly minister to a genuine seeker.

There are people, some seemingly unlikely, who are hungry for Jesus and would be receiptive to the Gospel.

Father, help me to see people with your eyes.

7 ARROWS : Luke 18

As Jesus is thinking about his own upcoming sacrificial death he teaches about steadfast faith in the Kingdom.

These teaching as miracles are pointing to Jesus’ upcoming death.

God is looking for persistent humility.

Mankind sure does like to elevate their status.

I need to recognize and embrace my lowly state because God is near.

Many people are hung up in self importance, religion, or challenges of life while Jesus is waiting for them to turn completely toward him.

Father, help me realize and be confident in any place.

7 ARROWS : Luke 17

Jesus proclaims that he is the Kingdom of God.

Jesus is definitely referring to himself as the Messiah and judge of the world.

As sure as he came the first time, Jesus is coming again.

Many people will not be prepared to meet Jesus.

Live life full of faith and on mission.

Tell the world about Jesus.

Lord Jesus, increase my faith. Align my will to yours.