7 ARROWS : Jude

Jude warns of the nefarious nature of false teachers.

Jude was writing about a very specific problem.

God is merciful- even to those who waver (v.23), but false teachers need to be called out.

False teachers endanger others (“dangerous reefs” v.12), have nothing worth while to say (“waterless clouds” v.12), are fruitless (“dead trees” v.12), are out of control (“wild waves” v.12) and have lost their way (“wandering stars” v.13).

Contend for the faith! (v.3)

There is much to chew on here about false teachers and those who follow them.

Father, I am relying on your Holy Spirit to lead me step by step to navigate contending for the faith while showing great mercy to those who are wavering. Help me walk the line.