7 ARROWS : Acts 28

Paul finally gets to Rome.

It would have been noticed that Paul was consistent in his message and constant in his sharing of the Gospel regardless of circumstances or consequences.

God has been faithful to put Paul before exactly who he needed to.

People believing in Christ are a mixed bag regardless their background.

Don’t be aggravated when circumstances beyond your control throw curveballs. No matter what, be faithful to the call God has on your life.

Whether life is easy or difficult- stay faithful to Christ and do not quite until God calls us home.

Father, empower me with your Holy Sprit to endure and thrive until the end.

7 ARROWS : Acts 27

Paul is shipwrecked on Malta with 275 other prisoners and soldiers.

Early hearers/readers of this story would notice God’s protection and provision all over it.

Sometimes God uses storms to keep us exactly where we need to be.

Impending doom tends to make even the hardest hearts soften.

I trust God’s sovereign hand.

Pay attention to ministry opportunities that appear when people are at the end of their rope.

Father, help me look beyond storms and circumstances- straight to you.

7 ARROWS : Acts 26

Paul shares his testimony before King Agrippa.

Paul connect the dots of the Jewish law and prophets all the way to the Messiah- Jesus.

History is God’s story.

Men can see all of the dots connected and still not believe.

I need to be quick to help people connect dots…maybe they haven’t thought of before.

There are people who have never thought about these “dots” at all, so don’t assume.

Father, thank you for revealing your big story- the grand narrative of Jesus!

7 ARROWS : Acts 25

Paul continues to be railroaded by false accusations while in Roman custody.

Paul uses his rights as a Roman citizen to try to get a fair trial. Early readers would have understood this struggle.

God is orchestrating bigger plans than Paul’s release.

Hatred can lead men to make irrational wild decisions. An ambush by “God’s law keepers” to kill someone you are at odds with theologically? Come on guys? *facepalm*

Be patient while God is working.

Sometimes accusers condemn themselves (at least tell on themselves) with their own words and actions.

Father, help me be patient and faithful to remain devoted to you and your mission no matter what.

7 ARROWS : Acts 24

Jewish leaders bring trumped up charges before the Romans and against Paul.

Anyone familiar with the Sanhedrin and Roman authorities would recognize the red tape of bureaucracy.

God’s purposes and message was advancing even while Paul was a prisoner.

Red tape and corruption are not new problems.

Rely on God’s timing, even when it feels that time is standing still.

Even when being treated unjustly, people are watching my witness- how I handle things…attitude…reaction…everything. Be a good ambassador of Christ and represent him accurately.

God, help me to be patient and looking for ministry opportunities even while waiting.

7 ARROWS : Acts 23

Paul is being held in custody by the Romans while the Jews try to condemn him.

Paul pitting the Pharisees and the Sadducees against one another was slick.

God continues to spread his message among the elite rulers of many different cultures.

Men love to argue who is right.

Trust God to give wisdom and words as needed.

People at all levels of influence need to hear the Gospel message.

Father, I trust your wisdom. Help me follow you closely.

7 ARROWS : Acts 22

Paul shares his salvation testimony to his Roman captors as they try to figure out what this riot it all about.

For a Jewish audience, hearing of Paul’s pedigree would have been an eye-opener- quite impressive.

God seems to take great pleasure in redeeming the most unlikely people for his purposes.

Sometimes Christ-following people try to leverage their rights for a greater purpose than their own comfort of position.

Don’t be timid about sharing your testimony of God’s intervention in your life.

People relate well to personal stories.

Father God, thank you for the way you saved me. May I be quick to publicly tell that story with you as the star.

7 ARROWS : Acts 21

Paul prepares to be arrested.

Paul not caving to Jewish tradition made his life harder and further validated his testimony.

God gave Paul what he needed in this dark moment- peace and boldness.

Men are easily worked up.

Depend on God’s provision always.

A Christ-follower’s testimony can shine brightest during darkest trials and persecution.

Father, always, but especially in dark times, let me shine for you.

7 ARROWS : Acts 20

Paul teaches and mentors those leading the local church.

Paul’s determination and constant hardship would be seen as proof that he really believes this message of Christ he teaches.

God equips his church for the work he calls them to accomplish.

People get attached to those they love…and this isn’t a bad thing at all.

Make a point to be a mentor to other leaders.

Leverage every possible opportunity for the glory of God.

Father, open my eyes to needs of leaders present and future, all who you put in my path.

7 ARROWS : Acts 19:21-41

A riot breaks out because money could be lost in the idol business.

A tale as old as time…the love of money and power lead the people’s emotions and actions.

God uses unlikely people and circumstances to get the Gospel message heard and moving forward.

Despondent people tend to be attracted to riots- even if they don’t understand why they are there. I think this speaks about the discontentment in our own hearts…something isn’t right and they don’t know how to fix it.

Stay steady and #onmission.

Just because someone is in “the enemy’s camp” doesn’t necessarily mean they know why they are there.

Lord, help me trust you always- even when the world seems chaotic.