7 Arrows : 1 Peter 5

Peter makes a strong appeal for elders to lead well with a good attitude and for younger believers to follow their example.

This kind of tender encouragement was likely well received by fellow believers.

God is dependable.

Even for believers, it is easy to slack…to not be alert and on guard.

Be #onpurpose in the way I depend on God, stay #onmission, & faithfully lead.

Even in challenging times Christ-followers are to humbly walk with God #onmission and #onpurpose.

Father, my dependence is on you. Use me as you will.

7 Arrows : 1 Peter 4

Christ-followers are called to stand for righteousness even if it is costly.

Believers in this culture stood out, a stark contrast to the lawlessness that was commonly celebrated.

God knows suffering- both its temporary pain and eternal purposes.

People surprised by God’s people experiencing suffering have not spend enough time or though in the New Testament.

Be faithful to God and do what is good.

Christ-followers should be #onpurpose with our words and deeds- even when there is a cost of suffering attached.

Father, you are faithful to provide exactly what I need exactly when I need it. I trust you.

7 Arrows : 1 Peter 3:8-22

Peter calls Christ-followers to imitate Christ, especially when being mistreated.

The idea of caring more about representing Jesus than retaliating at being mistreated when against their culture and their own flesh.

Pleasing God is more important than our rights.

Our tone and demeanor says much about our walk with God, especially in life’s more tumultuous times.

Submit to the Holy Spirit to set the tone for my attitude, especially in stressful times.

There is much here and most of it points inwardly- how we think and respond to being mistreated. If our character is not trained in peaceful times, it likely will not represent Christ well in the stressful times.

Father, help me represent you well.

7 Arrows : 1 Peter 3:1-7

Peter gives encouragement and instruction for wives and husbands.

The tone here elevates the role of wives higher than the existing cultural expectations.

God cares about how his image bearers treat their own spouses.

The marriage relationship works best when we serve one another well.

Honor my wife.

This is a great passage to study for martial counseling or couples who are already married.

Father, help me to love and lead my wife well in your power and for your glory.

7 Arrows : 1 Peter 2:11-25

Live honorably as temporary residents of this world no matter how difficult it gets.

These people were likely feeling persecution because they were Christ-followers.

God knows suffering so he is fully able to relate and help us in our own suffering.

Following God is costly. Even suffering well is an act of worship.

Submit to God.

Following Jesus is more important than flexing rights or temporary comfort.

Father, your plans are much more important than mine. If suffering is my lot may I faithfully suffer for your glory.

7 Arrows : 1 Peter 2:1-10

Because of this great salvation (chapter 1) God is building all who follow Christ into a chosen people.

Christ-following Gentiles (mostly) hearing that God had chosen them as his own was reassuring and amazing.

God is the master builder.

When God calls us into his marvelous light we become part of his people. How wonderful to be included!

I am part of a chosen race, a royal, priesthood, a holy nation, one of God’s people. Thankfully remember this and be moved into action.

Heed verse 8. Refusing to line up with the cornerstone will leave a person lost and flat on their face. Jesus is the cornerstone.

Lord Jesus, continue to align my heart with yours.

7 Arrows : 1 Peter 1:13-25

Because of this great salvation (v.3-4), God has called us to pursue holiness for his glory during our temporary time on earth.

A call to pursue holiness will always be received with mixed reviews because it requires one of two actions- repentance or blatant disobedience.

Holiness is essential to God’s character.

“Minds ready for action” and “sober-minded” (v.13) only come with obedience (v.14).

Be holy.

Holiness is for our benefit but not just for our benefit. Walking in step with the Spirit requires pursuing holiness. And if we are not in step with the Spirit we will not be on mission where God has placed us.

Father, help me to value holiness as you do.

7 Arrows : 1 Peter 1:1-12

God grants salvation out of his great mercy.

Peeking ahead to v.14 we see the phrase “former ignorance”. This plus where this letter was directed (v.1) implies the original audience were Gentiles.

God generously shares his great salvation because of his perfect character.

It is easy to let the hardships and trials of life steal our attention from Christ- who is the source of great joy.

Rejoice! No matter what, rejoice!

This is a great passage for anyone, but especially to Christ-followers experiencing trials.

Lord Jesus, may my attention and affections be for you and you alone.