7 ARROWS : Ephesians 6:10-24

Prepare for battle by putting on God’s armor.

The armor imagery is spot on. Locals saw this often on soldiers.

The Lord’s strength is plenty enough.

Spiritually speaking, without God’s armor a person is a sitting duck for the enemy to pick off.

Put on God’s defensive armor and stay sharp with the only offensive weapon- the Word of God. Prepare to advance!

There is so much good imagery and application of each piece of armor for any Christ-follower.

Lord, you have equipped me. You continue to patiently form me. By your power, help me stand.

7 ARROWS : Ephesians 6:1-9

Everyone is under God’s authority. Treat those under your authority as you would like to be treated.

The idea that children and slaves/servants were worthy of respect was a delightful upgrade to the culture of the day.

We honor God with your obedience. And one way that show is how we treat others.

Submission to God and humility are marks of a Christ-follower.

Make sure your actions match your theology.

Verse 4 is a biggie for any dad- great conversation to be had here (and we all feel it).

Father, help my actions to others represent you well- particularly to those whom I haver influence with.

7 ARROWS : Ephesians 5:22-32

A godly marriage teaches us precepts about the relationship between Christ & the Church. The relationship between Christ and the Church teaches us precepts about a godly marriage.

Lifting up marriage to this ideal (particularly husband’s treatment of the wife) as incredibly forward thinking for that culture and age.

God goes to the greatest lengths to love the church unconditionally.

Mankind has the honor and responsibility of submitting to Christ and trust his interests are right and pure.

Pursue, serve, love, and trust Jesus wholeheartedly.

This paragraph is key to understanding a healthy marriage and the Jesus/church relationship.

Jesus, thank you for pursuing your bride. Beautify her for your name’s sake.

7 ARROWS : Ephesians 5:1-21

Imitate God! Don’t waste time with sin.

“Outsiders” could see Christ-followers heeding verses 15 & 16 making good use of their time, living #onpurpose lives.

God is calling his own to take on his character traits.

Human status quo = being about self. Christ-followers have a higher calling.

Live as a child of light (v.8).

There is so much wisdom in this passage that would point someone to God.

Father, thank you for your call and for providing the power to follow it.

7 ARROWS : Ephesians 4:17-32

The new life demands a new way of living!

Early hearers/readers could have seen face to face examples of Christians who were gloriously transformed.

God is in the transformation business.

The “old self” and its desires are ugly and foundationaly opposite from the “new self”.

Take off and put on- for the glory of God.

These lists in v.25-32 are great before/after examples of a transformed life.

Father, continue to change me where I need to be changed for your name’s sake. I want to represent you well.

7 ARROWS : Ephesians 4:1-16

The church body is unified around Christ yet diverse in so many beautiful and necessary ways.

This theme of every part of the body being important differed greatly from the “top down” hierarchal religions of the day.

God knows how to gift the church for the specific ministry opportunities prepared for them.

Apart from Christ, men tend to do what is best for them. Unified in Christ people’s God-given gifts compliment and serve one another.

Pay attention to the way God is gifting and equipping his followers together in the local church. There are specific missions of Kingdom-building ministry ahead!

Preaching unity and. diversity are imperative.

Father, you know best what is is needed to go where you are leading. Help me trust and rest in you as you gift and work through me for your glory.

7 ARROWS : Ephesians 3

The mystery of Christ is revealed to Gentiles too.

Gentiles are not second class.

God’s very character is multi-faceted. There is no end to his wisdom, heart, and ways. The more that is seen, the more there is to see.

Jesus followers are co-heirs with Christ.

Pray like verse 14.

The “mystery of Christ” needs to be explained and unpacked often. Even people who have “heard about Jesus” may not have understood the bigger picture and how they fit into it.

Father, thank you for opening my eyes to the beauty of Christ!

7 ARROWS : Ephesians 2:11-23

Once you were outsiders, but now you are insiders.

There is lots of Jew v/s Gentile language here.

God is choosing a people, but not by bloodline.

Even though we are spiritually so far away from God still he reaches out to us.

God isn’t confined or limited by walls of any kind. Also, God doesn’t need approval or permission from me or anyone.

God’s favor is not limited by race, ethnicity, or status. That is good news.

Father, thank you for your far reaching amazing love.

7 ARROWS : Ephesians 2:1-10

God displays his character by using those who were once spiritually dead as his ambassadors who are currently spiritually dead.

The emphasis on God’s goodness and grace is in stark contrast to religious legalism, common to the original audience.

God’s goodness is immeasurable.

Apart from God’s grace it is impossible for man to please God.

Enjoy God himself- not just his gifts and not just the work he’s called you to. Enjoy God!

These 10 verses explain the big picture of Jesus’ Gospel message- particularly focusing on “the why”.

Merciful God, your character overflows with ambitious goodness. Help me reflect your beautiful character to others.

7 ARROWS : Ephesians 1

Paul eloquently explains the Gospel and how it is to move Christ-followers to lives of worship.

There are rich insights to God’s big-picture plan. Someone with a basic knowledge of Jesus’ story could have many “why” details filled in by reading/hearing this.

God’s plan to redeem his special creation (people) extended far before time as we know it.

Men have needed rescuing forever.

Give thanks for God’s amazing grace that is always on time.

Celebrate the intricate details that compose the symphony of the Gospel.

Eternal Father, your plan, your ways are perfect.