Spiritual Awakening

What does revival really look like?

Here are some of Claude King’s questions used in this podcast. The complete list with extra notes can be found here.

  1. Am I quick to recognize when I have sinned and agree with God in confession?
  2. Am I more grieved over how my sin has offended a holy God (repentance) than I am over the consequences that I have reaped for my sin (remorse)?
  3. Do I have regular, concentrated times of prayer, when I am alone with the Lord?
  4. Do I faithfully pray for the needs of my mate, children, and other family members?
  5. Do I pray specifically for those around me who are lost and in need of a Savior?
  6. Have I completely surrendered to Jesus Christ as the Master and Lord of my life?
  7. Am I willing to sacrifice whatever God asks to see Him move in my life and church (time, convenience, comfort, reputation, pleasure, etc.)?
  8. Do l love to read and meditate on the Word of God?
  9. Does my life change in response to what I read in the Bible?
  10. Do I spend time each day sitting at the feet of Jesus, listening to His Word and worshiping Him?
  11. Do I freely and regularly express my love, devotion, and praise to the Lord Jesus?


  • It is possible to have revival meetings and not experience a spiritual awakening / spiritual renewal.
  • Walking with Jesus is an hour by hour, day by day, week by week trajectory.
  • Don’t wait for a [revival] meeting to being walking with Jesus.

More resources:

Consecrate The People : Renewing Our Covenant Commitments to Jesus Christ
by Claude King
This 8 day devotional challenge is an excellent way to get on the road of spiritual renewal. Thanks to Claude King for making this little e-book so accessible.

Sinners In The Hands of an Angry God
This is the classic sermon preached by Jonathan Edwards on July 8, 1741 in Enfield, Massachusetts (now Connecticut).