7 ARROWS : 1 Timothy 6

Paul’s parting words encourage Timothy to be faithful to teach the true gospel, which transforms the lives of all who receive it.

Beyond Timothy, these specific groups mentioned by deed were likely a mixed bag of reception to these messages.

God wants to be represented accurately.

When people stray from the established essential truths of the gospel a root of superiority takes hold. This kind of person would rather be right (if even in their own eyes) than to represent Jesus well. And for folks who adhere to the “I’m just blunt/truthful, like Jesus was” keep in mind that most of the time when Jesus was harsh it was toward the self-righteous religious while being quite tender with “sinners”.

Pursue Christ- who is the greatest picture of righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance, and gentleness.

God desires to be known, and known accurately. That is the common thread to all of these particular exhortations of this chapter.

Lord Jesus, give me a capacity to love and obey you more closely.