7 Arrows : 2 Thessalonians 3

Paul prays that his church has endurance and that members avoid being lazy and off mission.

It seems that the false teaching circulating of “Jesus has already come agin” left some with a sense of not knowing what to do next. Is this all there is? No, the mission is not complete!

God expects his people to work and be about the family business.

“They are not busy but busybodies” (v.11) hits hard. How true.

Being #onmission and #onpurpose with God’s work will require saying no to some things- even good things- to make room for the essential things God is leading you to do.

What a word word for Christ-followers! Being a busybody is easy- just be a slave to everyone else’s calendar.

Father, please make it crystal clear how I should spend the time, talent, and treasure you have loaned/entrusted to me. I want to invest wisely for your glory.