7 ARROWS : 1 Corinthians 8

Paul helps Christ-followers be more effective witnesses by their traditions and diets.

Idol worship was so prevalent in Corinth. The fact that Paul is trying to make inroads with the locals is admirable.

There is one God.

The selfish/sin nature controlled route is to insist on having your own way.

Don’t purposely offend those you desire to have a viable voice with. Choosing personal rights over being a credible witness is typically a poor choice.

A faithful witnessing voice trumps being right.

Father, help me heart be more concerned with pleasing you than insisting on flexing my rights.

7 ARROWS : 1 Corinthians 7

Paul teaches best practices to avoid sexual immorality in a variety of relationship situations.

From verse 1 it sound like Paul is addressing a very specific question.

God is to be honored in all things.

We are prone to treat gifts like gods. Some worship the gifts they have. Others worship the gifts they wish they had. Both are a poor substitute for Jesus.

Honor Jesus with the beautiful marriage he has gifted to us.

Be compassionate when dealing with people in all manner of relationship statuses. God specializes in redeeming and restoring.

Lord Jesus, help me honor you with my marriage.

7 ARROWS : 1 Corinthians 6:12-18

Flee sexual immorality.

For the Corinthians, sexual promiscuity was a part of their pagan worship.

God is to be glorified!

Mankind’s own sinful nature is bent toward sexual immorality of one kind or another. Our need it to find our identity and satisfaction in Christ.

Glorify God with your body!

There is something uniquely problematic about sexual immorality. It is more than a physical problem…affecting the spirit, the deepest part of a person.

God help me glorify you in every way.

7 ARROWS : 1 Corinthians 6:1-11

Christ-followers ought not be known as petty and letigious.

Once again, the witness of professing Christ-followers matters greatly.

God expects his followers to represent his character to the unbelieving world.

People are capable of all sorts of wicked behavior and God is willing to redeem any repentant heart regardless of their pasts.

For Christ’s sake, don’t be petty. Reveling in being “right” can be wrong when your actions and attitude misrepresents God.

God’s reputation is projected to the world by those who claim to be his God’s people. This is a double edged sword.

Lord, may your name and reputation be more important to me than my rights.

7 ARROWS : 1 Corinthians 5

This is very practical instruction in dealing with gross unrepentant sin among those who claim to be Christ-followers.

Jesus’ witnesses in the local church were the primary way the gospel was spread- and it still is.

God takes sin seriously because there are serious consequences. God expects Christ-followers to follow Christ.

It is easier to sweep sin under the rug than to deal with it. This is not loving mercy, but spineless neglect.

Follow the leadership of the Holy Spirit. When prompted speak the truth in love…attitude/tone matters!

Sometimes conversations are tough…but they can also be life giving.

Holy Spirit, lead so I can see clearly what your particular will is when you bring things to my attention,. I want to represent you well.

7 ARROWS : 1 Corinthians 4

Paul reminds these church members that they are to serve Christ with humility.

This posture of humility is a stark contrast to Roman or Jewish religious hierarchy.

God values humility.

Christ’s humble servants recognize how God views them is what matters.

Be a God pleaser, no matter what.

“Climbing the ladder” in spiritual/religious circles is a fool’s errand. Instead, serve people as if you are serving Jesus himself, because you are.

Lord Jesus, rearrange me heart to desire pleasing your above all.

7 ARROWS : 1 Corinthians 3

Paul warned the spiritually immature from attaching their identity with anyone other than Christ.

Factions were as common in this day as they are now.

God knows our dependence should be on Christ alone. Everyone else will eventually fall short.

Everyone likes to think they are the smartest/wisest person in the room. Newsflash- even if that is true your intellect, apart from the mind of Christ, will fail you.

Remember, Jesus is the foundation.

Be gentle but very honest with encouraging others to follow Christ and not be wrapped up in hero worship.

Father, may my focus be on Jesus.

7 ARROWS : 1 Corinthians 2

Paul contrasts worldly (natural) wisdom with the wisdom only revealed by the Holy Spirit.

Paul’s reasoning checks out. He is not an eloquent speaker in person and not a very charismatic personality.

The Holy Spirit is God’s gift to Christ-followers; convicting, teaching, and leading.

Apart from Christ, the wisdom shown by the Holy Spirit appears to be foolish.

Depend on the Holy Spirit to guide the way to wisdom.

The idea of God speaking to his followers through the Holy Spirit is big.

Father, thank you for the great gift of your Holy Spirit.

7 ARROWS : 1 Corinthians 1:18-31

Paul drops some wisdom about wisdom.

The “stumbling block” section (v. 22-24), would have resonated with Jews and Greeks.

God’s salvation is worth bragging about.

Men seek to understand God but often mistake methods for the very person of God. Miracles. Wisdom. Both come from God, but neither ARE God.

Seek and savior the Savior.

Jesus is a stumbling block. The old song “What Will You Do With Jesus” is correct. THAT is a huge question that each individual must ask.

Lord Jesus, you are everything I need. Thank you for being my righteousness, sanctification, and redemption.

7 ARROWS : 1 Corinthians 1:1-17

Paul writes encouragement and admonition to the church in Corinth.

Factions were common in Judaism. Paul encouraging all of them to focus on Jesus, their foundation, would have been a refreshing change from the more common partisan bickering.

God values unity.

People tend to be clannish, wanting to stick closest with those who are just like them- right.

Be a unifier, not a divider. And be sure that the common ground is Christ.

Divide and conquer is a popular political tactic, but it can seep its way into the church. Resist this. Unify around Christ.

Father, help my heart love unity as you do.