7 Arrows : 1 Thessalonians 5:12-28

Since you know of Jesus’ mission and return, continue to work and encourage others.

These closing words are comforting and encouraging.

God has called us to be faithful.

We all need warnings and reminders a from time to time.

Rejoice always. Pray constantly. Give thanks in everything.

There is plenty of great advice here. Give honor and recognition to leaders. Be at peace with others. Warn those who are idle. Comfort the discouraged. Help the weak. Be patient with everyone. Pursue what is good. Rejoice always. Pray constantly. Give thanks.

God, you are so good. Thankfulness wells up in my heart. Your name is great and greatly to be praised!

7 Arrows : 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11

Jesus could return at any moment.

Since Paul spent so much of this letter talking about the return of Christ I think he was possibly trying to correct common misconceptions about Jesus’ return and trying to help the church stay on mission.

Jesus will return to gather his own.

Many will not be ready when Jesus returns.

Encourage others to be ready for Jesus to return.

This passage reinforces the idea that Jesus’ return will be quick.

Maranatha, Lord Jesus. Come quickly.

7 Arrows : 1 Thessalonians 4

A simple godly like can be a powerful witness while we wait on the return of Jesus.

This encouragement was needed for this fledgling church.

Jesus is coming again.

People can get tangled up in all manner of things that can sidetrack out true mission.

Be faithful to God even with a quiet simple life.

If at the end of our days we could look back on our life I think we’d see that the small things really were the big things.

Lord Jesus, I know you will return. Until then help me be faithful to you in whatever life situation I’m in.

7 Arrows : 1 Thessalonians 3

Paul gives more detail of why he left and how God was faithful even in this troubling time.

Maybe Paul felt like he’d somehow let these people down and was trying to explain his actions and heart. Maybe?

God builds his church and is entirely unstoppable.

A little encouragement goes a long way to stoke the fire of a thankful heart.

Be an encourager.

God’s sovereignty is a great foundation to stand on.

Father, you see all and know all. I do not. Help me trust you and be faithful to your mission no matter what.

7 Arrows : 1 Thessalonians 1

Paul commends the church of Thessalonica for remaining strong in the Lord in the face of persecution.

Paul planted this church but was forced to flee- which ended up being better for the church. Local leaders stepped up and were faithfully led.

God sovereignly empowers his people to accomplish good works for his glory.

God’s people can be good examples.

May my good works be led and powered by the Holy Spirit!

The order of attributes in v.3 is rich with meaning.

Lord Jesus, you are coming again and I pray to be about your business until that day.