7 ARROWS : 2 Corinthians 5

Paul urges the church to keep their glorious heavenly future in mind and let that drive them to help others be reconciled to God.

This was a great reminder, “God has done this for you so now you do this for others.”

Jesus has made a way for people to have peace with God.

There are too many people whose accounts with God are not settled. And if nothing changes those overdraft debts will come due.

Bask in the provision of Christ! And help others do the same.

What a great passage helping people see that it is what Christ has done that makes the difference.

Lord Jesus, you have paid my debt in full and I am eternally grateful. Help me share this good news with others.

7 ARROWS : 2 Corinthians 4

Paul encourages this church to endure through hardship and faithfully spread the Gospel of Christ.

Encouragement like this in the midst of tough times could really put wind in their sails to press on.

God desires to be known.

We are better off when we let Christ in us shine through our own brokenness.

Keep present afflictions in perspective.

Seek God’s perspective: 2 Corn. 4:17 says, “For our momentary light affliction is producing for us an absolutely incomparable eternal weight of glory.”

Father, thank you for your promises and your provision.

7 ARROWS : 2 Corinthians 3

Paul celebrates the transforming power of the Holy Spirit.

This referral to “veiled Moses” and current unveiled Christ-followers is powerful to people familiar with the Old Testament scriptures.

The Holy Spirit is transforming- giving life, power, righteousness, boldness, and freedom.

People need a viable witness- something they can see with their own eyes that points them to the heart of God.

Be led by the Spirit of the Living God and live sent.

This passage is a reminder that every Christ-follower is a living letter, a testimony of God’s grace to everyone in their sphere of influence.

Father, may I represent you well and be a faithful message.

7 ARROWS : 2 Corinthians 2

Paul compliments the church for working out their problems.

I would think the tenderness of this letter was appreciated.

God chooses to use people to spread his fragrance around the world.

God’s aroma is being spread everywhere. Some breath in the life giving fragrance and are saved. Others despise it to their bitter end.

Represent Jesus well.

The military parade analogy over verses 14-16 makes for good conversation/illustration. Everyone will “smell” God’s goodness but that does not equal experiencing and embracing it.

Lord Jesus, may be so close to you that your aroma is part of me.

7 ARROWS : 2 Corinthians 1

Paul writes to give encouragement because his visit to them was delayed.

This church had already received Paul’s first letter and likely heeded the admonitions.

God give comfort to his children through his very presence.

It is easy for us to take our eye off Jesus in troubled times.

Rest in God’s mighty right hand. The world does not depend on you.

Suffering and hardship are universal struggles. Verses 3-11 give good encouragement.

Father, you are enough- always.