7 Arrows : 2 Peter 3

Jesus will return to Earth!

This entire letter is addressing the false teachers who were denying the physical return of Christ, confusing and discouraging believers.

God always keeps his promises.

Scoffers gonna scoff.

Be thankful for God’s patience, but remember that patience is not forever. Watch, pray, be ready, and help others do the same.

This entire chapter is dedicated to the fact that regardless of scoffers and false teachers Jesus will return. Be ready!

Father, I trust your Word, your promises, and I trust you! Help me be ready for the return of Jesus and help others be ready as well.

7 Arrows : 2 Peter 2

Peter warns of false teachers.

Comparing these current false teachers with Biblical troublemakers of old, Peter makes a compelling case and detailed warning.

God’s patience has limits. God is long suffering but eventually the hammer of his judgement will fall.

People try to warp and twist truth to fit their own lives and motives. But that generally isn’t enough…they also want others to follow their version of “truth”.

Recognize false teachers and warn the flock.

This chapter gives several jumping in points to have meaningful conversation about the impact of false teachers.

Father, please give wisdom and discernment when it comes to recognizing and dealing with false teachers and those who are following them.

7 Arrows : 2 Peter 1:16-21

Peter reminisces about experiences with Jesus and talks about the importance of fulfilled prophecies.

Peter was an eyewitness of Jesus’ earthly ministry (v.16). This was a strong and compelling testimony.

Jesus is the Messiah.

Fulfilled prophecy stacks up more and more evidence to convince unbelieving hearts toward belief.

Check each prophetic word by the scriptures.

Fulfilled prophecy is a great witness of the validity of God’s Word.

Lord Jesus, no doubt you are the Messiah, the Son of God. My life is yours.

7 Arrows : 2 Peter 1:1-15

Peter writes about benchmarks of spiritual growth.

Peter come out of the gate on mission speaking to equals (v.1) and hints that his days in this world are numbered (v.14-15).

God loves perfectly.

We do not love perfectly, thus the instruction of verses 5-9.

Don’t forget what Jesus has done on my account. Allow Christ to conform character to be more like his.

There is a path for spiritual growth. People progress at different rates but the path is there nonetheless.

Father, thank you for being patient with me as you grow me to be more like Christ.