7 ARROWS : Colossians 4

Paul ends this letter emphasizing prayer that synchronizes our lives to the mission of God.

The numerous personal words to friend were likely warmly received.

God has entrusted his mission to be carried out by his people.

We are prone to distraction. This is why re-centering prayer is so important.

Be prayerful and pay attention!

Verses 2-6 are pure gold. Be ready and make wise use of time.

Lord God, thank you for the gift of time. Help me invest it wisely.

7 ARROWS : Colossians 3:18-25

The Christians home should resemble a little church.

Straightforward practical tips like this would be very difficult to misread or misapply.

God is concerned with how our faith is put into action. I would say this is particularly true in the home.

Each one of these people/groups (wives, husbands, children, servants, fathers…) gravitate toward particular sin-tainted relationship problems if left unchecked.

Be #onpurpose at home first.

There is something for everyone here.

Lord, help me be a faithful ambassador and disciple-maker at home. This is the most important ministry I will ever have.

7 ARROWS : Colossians 3:1-17

Paul gives before and after lists of being transformed by Christ.

After warning of the influential heretics in chapter 2 this section reminds us of what being transformed by Jesus really looks like.

God transforms and redeems all who are in Christ.

Look at the “earthy nature” (v.5) to see why we need to be transformed in the first place.

“Put off” and “put on”.

Jesus is in the life changing business. Witnesses like this rock the world with their first hand testimonies of what God has done in their lives!

Lord Jesus, thanks you for the new wardrobe. Help me put it to good use!

7 ARROWS : Colossians 2

Paul warns of a heresy that attempts to add to the finished work of Christ.

It’s an age-old problem- man-made additions set up to be equal with the Gospel.

Knowing Jesus is transformational.

People try to add to the finished work of Christ when they believe Jesus’ work isn’t enough. Even worse, they think their additions will be exactly what is needed to accomplish what Jesus could not.

Let me roots be planted on the foundation of Christ alone.

The idea of improving Christ’s work is ridiculous.

Lord Jesus, thank you for doing everything necessary to bring me close to God.

7 ARROWS : Colossians 1:24-29

The mystery of Christ is revealed to these saints.

This letter was written from a Roman prison. Any mention of present sufferings would be immediately understood- street credit.

Jesus is the unveiled mission piece of the puzzle of the Old Testament- how God would make mankind whole again.

We need Spirit opened eyes to see and appreciate the beauty of the mystery of Christ revealed.

Work toward the maturity of others for the glory of God.

Suffering and afflictions are the means God uses to spread the Gospel like wildfire.

Spirit of God, open my eyes wide to the majesty, glory, and beauty of Christ!

7 ARROWS : Colossians 1:15-23

This hymn emphasizes the essential nature of Christ and his work of reconciliation.

What a theologically rich description of Jesus.

If you want to know the character and nature of God the Father look at Jesus.

We were once all far from God as his enemies, but no longer.

Remain grounded and steadfast in Christ.

This narrative of God’s great rescue mission is nothing short of amazing.

Lord Jesus, thank you for your amazing grace!

7 ARROWS : Colossians 1:1-14

Paul gives thanks to God for the church of Colosse and prays for them.

This is a rich and eloquent prayer from a trusted mentor.

God is the great rescuer.

We need knowledge and understanding because our default is ignorance and confusion.

Be filled!

We can learn about the character and nature of God in verses 9-14.

Thank you Father for your great rescue.