7 ARROWS : Galatians 6

Paul leaves this church with concluding remarks on how to love one another well and keep the Gospel the main thing.

The emphasis here of loving one another reinforces Jesus’ earlier teachings.

God expects his followers to sow and reap- but only God does the life changing work.

Christ-followers have an order and responsibility to sow and reap.

Do not give up! Be about your Father’s business.

People adding to the Gospel need to be called out.

Father God, you are always faithful to do what only you can do. Help me be faithful to do what you have called me to do.

7 ARROWS : Galatians 5

Jesus set his followers free from empty religious rituals and the Holy Spirit grows beautiful Christ-like character traits in those who walk with him.

Early readers/hearers would have likely seen evidence fo the transformed life in Christ-followers they knew personally.

God desires so much more than external behavior modification. He offers transformation!

The “works of the flesh are obvious”. Yes. Yes they are.

“Walk by the Spirit and you will certainly not carry out the desire of the flesh”!

Even non-believers feel the weight of the exhausting never satisfied desires of the flesh. The Spirit offers a beautiful resolution!

Jesus, freedom you have provided is sweet. May I savor and share it faithfully.

7 ARROWS : Galatians 4

Christ came to make us sons and daughters of God- not slaves!

This tone of adoption verses slavery should have registered strongly with this audience.

God has reached out to humanity as the perfect heavenly father, not a cruel slave driver.

People that try to ear their salvation are preferring slavery to sonship.

Glory in divine adoption!

So many people live as spiritual slaves or worse.

Father, thank you for your loving kindness!

7 ARROWS : Galatians 3

Salvation comes by faith in Christ’s work, not by unsuccessfully filling the law.

It was important for Paul to continue to explain Christ’s finished work of salvation in context to Jewish law.

God’s rescue plan has always been Jesus.

Throughout the ages people have unsuccessfully tried to ear favor with God.

Do no trust good works- only Christ.

People all around the world are still trying to earn salvation for favor with God.

Father, thank you for Jesus, who is far superior to any law.

7 ARROWS : Galatians 2

Paul opposes Judaizers  and Peter and stands on the Gospel to set them straight.

Its very important that Paul stays consistent with the message to the Gospel being for all people.

Jesus’ sacrifice is enough.

It’s easy for people to slip into the heresy of trying to add to the finished work of Jesus.

I want my life to be so Gospel saturated that when squeezed Jesus comes out.

There are always factions trying to insert their pet additions to the Gospel. Stand!

Father, thank you for taking the initiative to reach out to me first. May I never try to improve or earn Jesus’ finished work.

7 ARROWS : Galatians 1:14-24

Paul shares his credentials and his testimony.

Faithful Jewish readers/hearers would have been familiar and impressed with Paul’s resume.

God had his hand on Paul long before Paul had any clue.

Men are skeptical, especially when there is is a rough past.

I should be thankful for God’s providence throughout all of my life.

People need to be reminded of God’s sovereignty and provision even in our imperfect lives.

Father, thank you for your wise providential hand on me- long before I could even begin to appreciate or love you.

7 ARROWS : Galatians 1:1-13

There is only room for one Gospel.

Religious sects were the norm and Paul is clarifying what true Christianity is and what it is not.

God’s rescue plan is inclusive and exclusive.

It is easy for people to revert back to their old ways and patterns.

I want to please God by being faithful to his message.

Despite what people want to hear, what people need to hear is an accurate rendering of the Gospel.

Jesus, you are more than enough. Help me stay fettered to your good news in all things.