7 ARROWS : John 11-12:11

Jesus holds the power of life and death.

Seeing Jesus resurrect a 4 day old corpse to life was unthinkable. Only God himself could do such a thing…and he did.

Jesus sympathizes with humanity having to deal with death even though he knows he will ultimately solve that problem.

Jesus is the life-giver and we all need resurrection.

Jesus is moved at my human struggle and limitations. But he also solves my deepest needs. This is worth resting in.

Perspective: monumental problems to us are monumental opportunities to God.

Jesus, you are the resurrection and the life. Anchor that truth to my soul!

7 ARROWS : John 10

Jesus makes several claims describing his mission and the people were divided.

The sheep analogy was a throwback to the Exodus days of God’s people being led through the wilderness. Now Jesus is saying he is the leader.

The “Good Shepherd”, Jesus, is tender and nurturing to his flock. He’s also extremely relentless.

Man’s default spiritual state is lostness. Those who refuse the Good Shepherd will remain lost.

The best application of John 10 is to rest in the Good Shepherd’s care (like Psalm 23).

Wolves and shepherds both love sheep. Actions speak louder than words.

Savior like a shepherd lead us, much we need thy tender care. In thy pleasant pastures feed us, for thy use thy folds prepare.

7 ARROWS : John 9

After healing a blind man on the Sabbath the spiritually blind Pharisees become more resolute in their hatred of Jesus.

Jesus totally bucked the ancient assumption that a physical ailment like blindness was somehow related to rebellion against God. Ironically, the Pharisees rebelled against God by rejecting Jesus as Messiah- spiritual blindness.

Jesus meets people where they are, meets needs, reveals deeper truth about himself, and invites the person to believe in and follow him.

Some people being ministered to by Jesus don’t yet know who he is. Some people actively rejecting Jesus don’t yet realize who he is.

My spiritual eyes have been opened. I need to keep them on Jesus.

In v.1-3 Jesus, led by the Holy Spirit, took his shot answering in a big way. I need to be spirit-led like this.

Father, thank you for your indwelling Holy Spirit. Help me submit to what you desire play by play, for your glory.

7 ARROWS : John 8

Jesus is the Son of God, sent to Earth by God the Father to reveal man’s problem and God’s solution (provision).

John’s Jewish audience would have been at fever pitch by the end of chapter 8 with Jesus proclaiming “I AM!!!” The Pharisees came hard, but Jesus came harder.

God has gone to the greatest lengths to reach out to mankind.

To fully appreciate God’s provision people must first realize their deepest need. Grace > sin v.11. Light > Darkness v.12. Knowledge < ignorance v.23. Truth < lies v.31. Jesus > religion v.58.

I am one of those people God has mercifully reached out to. I had all of these soul crushing problems that Jesus lifted. This passage applied to my life demands my eternal allegiance.

When conversation is brought up about hardships and problems that are really rooted in what I listed above (in the 4th arrow), I need to personally point to the solution to each of the problems.

Father, help me be about your business of constantly worshipping Jesus and pointing others to him.

7 ARROWS : John 7

People were very divided about who Jesus was.

Jesus is even more clearly making claims about being the Messiah. The original Jewish audience would have fully understood the circumcision and healing on the Sabbath comparison as well as the Isaiah-esque quote about “living water”.

People have always been split on the question of “who is Jesus?”

Some people will not believe in Jesus regardless of the proof.

“Steams of living water”, the Spirit-led life, is my new normal/nature.

It seems that as more connections were made between the miracles of Jesus and the prophecies of the Messiah, the more people believed. I would do well to point out these things myself as I speak to others about Jesus.

Jesus, may I find my satisfaction from drinking from your hand. Help me be persistent and patient with others who may not even realize they are thirsty.

7 ARROWS : John 6:22-71

Jesus switches up the conversation from physical food to spiritual food, from miracles to the one who makes miracles happen.

When Jesus makes claims of being greater than the miracles recorded in the Torah, many Jewish followers of Jesus followed no more. Jesus really knew how to thin out a crowd…a real motive check.

Jesus makes exclusive claims about himself being the only way to God.

Many people despise the exclusivity of Jesus because is lays bare all our sin and our need for a great Savior outside of ourselves.

Jesus only wants one thing of his followers- everything.

When hearing the Gospel and really understanding it, some will turn away in disgust. Others will be passive and unmoved. Both of those groups remain in rebellion to God- regardless if loud or quiet. Be persistent with Jesus’ message and mission.

Jesus, help me to hear and obey all, not just pick and choose. I want you are you are, not cast in my own image.

7 ARROWS : John 6:1-21

Jesus performs a miracle that thousands see first hand. This is no ordinary teacher!

The magnitude of the people fed from a sack lunch is mind boggling. And then Jesus walks across the sea? Amazing!

God increases the faith of his followers by proving without a doubt that he is indeed God. Jesus helps us connect the dots between the physical and the spiritual.

Everyone gets hungry. Jesus always has plenty and is willing to share.

When Jesus has a mission he will accomplish it. What an honor that we (his followers) get front row seats to see what he does next.

Sometimes people really do need a God-sized sign.

Jesus, the laws of this world kneel down before you. Even nature obeys your will. Enable my own heart to submit to you every moment of every day.

7 ARROWS : John 5

Jesus very publicly healed a man and clearly explained he could do that because he is the Son of God.

Making the claim of being God’s son sat so sideways with devout Jews. But Jesus’ words were backed up with the action of his miracles.

At times the supernatural miracles of God can get people’s attention, but at the end of the day God has bigger truths to reveal about himself.

People become so tied to religion that they miss Jesus…and might even be offended by him.

Live like Jesus is real, because he is. Christianity is not rules kept or traditions upheld. Jesus is not a religious concept but a real person who desires real relationship that will transform me to the core.

Never back down. from being bold about who Jesus is. Let the chips fall they may.

Jesus, I believe you are the Son of God! Align my heart to find ultimate satisfaction and purpose in you.

7 ARROWS : John 4:43-54

Once again, Jesus shows mercy on an unlikely person and heals a dying boy.

John’s primary Jewish audience is highly surprised again at who Jesus ministers to- this time an official of the hated Roman government.

Jesus is for everyone who will believe.

Sometimes very unlikely people reach out to God.

I’m not worshiping your blessings my Lord…just the holy hands that they come from…I want to enjoy you Lord all all of my days.

Don’t be surprised when God draws people to himself using displays of his very own work.

Lord, please give me spiritual eyes to see you at work. Enable me to exercise faith in the work you are always doing.

7 ARROWS : John 4:1-45

Jesus leads his disciples to minister in the most unlikely place to the most unlikely people.

Jewish folks hearing about his, particularly the very devout, would be appalled that Jesus would ever go to Samaria- let alone minister there.

God’s will is far superior to human tradition or culture.

No one is “too far away” for God to reach.

Jesus didn’t “sugar coat” and he didn’t blast. He explained the good news with grace and truth.

I need to submit to the Holy Spirit leading me breath by breath to walk the line of grace and truth.

Father, help me to love people, all kinds of people, the way you do. May your love compel me to extend both grace and truth.