7 ARROWS : Luke 16

Jesus teaches Kingdom values through parables.

Seeing Jesus layer pursuing wealth along side eternity and it was obvious which was far more important.

God values faithfulness.

Man values money and power.

Don’t let the quest for money and power derail my call to help others prepare for eternity.

Many people, even God fearing people, are controlled by the mission of acquiring wealth.

Lord Jesus, help me have your view of riches and prestige and keep my eyes focuses on your mission.

7 ARROWS : Luke 15

Jesus teaches that God is a joyful finder.

These parables hit hard because every has felt lost. But this was a new way to think about God.

God is constantly, diligently seeking the lost.

People can be lost in their sin (v.13) or equally or equally as lost in their religion (v.29-31)…but they are still lost.

Be a joyful seeker.

There are lost people in ditches on either side of the road- all need a Savior.

Father, help me to value all of the lost enough to act.

7 ARROWS : Luke 14

Jesus shows the wide invitation to the Kingdom but also challenges to count the cost.

The least likely people are sought after by God.

God is looking for followers who are willing to honor him- to enjoy him.

There is a great cost to be considered for following Jesus.

Make sure I’m all in.

Jesus is for losers (and thats everyone)- and only some will agree they are in that category.

Father, I trust the way you are making your guest list. I’m all in.

7 ARROWS : Luke 13:22-35

Jesus explains the narrow way of salvation.

Jesus not fearing the Pharisees or Herod was either brave or stupid.

Jesus does not apologize for making exclusive claims.

People are generally interested in salvation, but time will tell is they were interested in Jesus.

Preach and follow the narrow way.

Love people enough to teach what Jesus taught about the narrow way.

Lord Jesus, help me to walk the narrow way with you,

7 ARROWS : Luke 13:10-21

Jesus tells of the growing Kingdom of God.

I think the common devout Jews of the day would have been shocked at the pettiness of the Pharisees’ response to this amazing miracle.

God doesn’t need man’s approval to work.

Clinging to empty religion is like insisting on swimming with a log chain around your neck.

Rejoice when God does glorious things only he could take credit for.

Join God in highlighting and celebrating mercy and grace.

Lord, change my heart to value your ways higher than anything.

7 ARROWS : Luke 13-1:9

Jesus speaks of a judgement that is coming for everyone.

Jesus levels the severity of outrageous sins with the average sins of the day.

God’s justice is above man’s.

Man’s justice is below God’s.

I should take my sin as seriously as God does.

People love to justify their own sinful patterns.

Father, help me to take my sin seriously so you can refine and use me.

7 ARROWS : Luke 12

Jesus sets his gaze on helping people prepare for eternity.

Jesus arcs several big challenges of life to a much bigger and surer reality- eternity.

Jesus will return to judge the world.

Our biggest concerns in this life pale in comparison to eternity.

Fear God and remember what is after this life.

Needs abound and always will, but the end is assured for all of us.

Lord Jesus, help the thought of your return motivate all of the time, talent, and treasure you have loaned me.

7 ARROWS : Luke 11:37-53

Jesus roasts the self-righteous.

Vehemently calling out the most educated, powerful, religious leaders of the day was jaw dropping.

God does not tolerate empty religion.

Men are quick to fashion a god into their own image.

Beware of becoming a Pharisee.

Many people still confuse religion with relationship with God.

Father, I want you.

7 ARROWS : Luke 11:14-36

Jesus tries to get the people to focus on the spiritual.

Those who refused to believe that Jesus was the Messiah would have had to come up with a reason for the miraculous works he was doing.

God is patient, even to unbelieving hard hearted people.

Some people will go to great lengths to explain away the power of God.

Believe Jesus.

Realize that for some apologetics, prophecy, and even miracles will not be enough to convince them that Jesus is indeed the only way to God.

Father, increase my faith.

7 ARROWS : Luke 11:1-13

Jesus teaches about prayer.

The simplicity of this kind of prayer was different than the ritualistic religion of the day.

God is a good father.

We really make prayer more complicated than it is.


People should be encouraged to talk with God like a loving father.

Father, thank your for being good, attentive, and loving- even to a problem child like me.