7 ARROWS : Matthew 28:16-20

Jesus leaves his disciples with a mission- the Great Commission.

This mission is consistent with the rest of the New Testament. Anyone who read or heard about the other writings/accounts of Jesus’ disciples would see this is what they dedicated the rest of their lives to carry out.

Jesus could have fulfilled his mission in any way- but he chose to use the redeemed to tell others how to be redeemed.

Christ-followers were handed a glorious mission and should be honored to be included.

Live #onmission.

Curious that verse 17 would include “they worshiped, but some doubted”. The disciples were still wrapping their minds around what had happened.

Lord Jesus, I want to be about your mission for your glory.

7 ARROWS : Matthew 28:1-15

Up from the grave he arose!

The great lie of the chief priests likely worked on people on the periphery, but eyewitnesses would not be shaken by it.

Death could not hold Jesus.

“Great fear and joy”- this supernatural event was extremely difficult to comprehend. How could this be? But Jesus’ followers were so glad that it did!

The resurrection is the apex of the Gospel story!

The resurrection is the heart of the Gospel- essential. Jesus is alive!

Father, may I never cease to be amazed at the wonder and meaning of the resurrection of Jesus.

7 ARROWS : Matthew 27:57-66

The body of Jesus is buried and sealed in a borrowed tomb

The authority and manpower of the Roman government guarded this tomb. This body would not be stolen.

Jesus was silent.

Even after his death the religious leaders wanted to squash any possibility of a resurrection claim.

God is always working, even in the silence. Watch and pray.

The religious leaders finally got what they wanted, to be rid of Jesus. They even wanted the tomb guarded to keep any rumors of a resurrection (which Jesus prophesied) from happening. Let’s see what happens in the next chapter. đŸ˜‰

Jesus, thank you for your over the top love and obedience. And thank you that the story doesn’t end here!

7 ARROWS : Matthew 27:32-56

Jesus is crucified.

The Messiah being crucified is the most unlikely plot twist ever- yet Jesus predicted it multiple times.

Heaven and nature mourn this day.

Deicide. Evil on display.

Never forget the cost of your sins.

The miraculous events that accompanied this day + the prophecies fulfilled + Jesus’ own attitude and actions…more that just a moving story.

Jesus, thank you for taking my place, the place I earned. I am eternally grateful.

7 ARROWS : Matthew 27:11-31

The chief priests and other religious leaders persuade Pilate, the Roman governor, to have Jesus crucified.

The political / religious pressure and a high ranking Roman official trying to keep order- very real and viable.

Jesus was willing to be humiliated, mocked, and abused, all with the purpose of paying for the sins of the world.

From the back room plotting, a wicked crowd, and sadistic executioners, and MIA disciples, Jesus starts down the lonely road to the cross.

Jesus chose to endure suffering because it was necessary for the mission. On a lesser scale this could be you.

Jesus laid his rights aside for the success of the mission.

Lord Jesus, I will walk any road as long as you are with me and equip me along the way.

7 ARROWS : Matthew 27:1-10

Religious leaders plot Jesus’ death and remorseful Judas hangs himself.

The plan is in motion and will not be stopped.

None of this was a mistake- rather, this was the plan from the beginning.

One the same day these religious leaders were plotting Jesus’ death they would not accept the returned payoff money from Judas because they thought it would this “blood money” would defile the temple treasury.

Remember that betrayal is bitter and is never worth it.

Regret. Shame. Unable to go back or make things right now. But confession of sins without repentance from sins is incomplete. Even Judas did that.

Jesus, help me to be quick to repent.

7 ARROWS : Matthew 26:69-75

Peter denies Jesus.

The fact that this raw detail of one of Jesus’ closest disciples is here is more proof that this gospel account is true. If it were made up why would Peter be portrayed like this?

Jesus knew Peter would betray him but still he loved and served him.

People are weak. Praise God, Jesus is strong for us!

Depend fully on Jesus.

Great point: even in Peter’s weakness and betrayal Jesus loved him and served him.

Lord Jesus, my sin-damaged heart is prone to weakness and betrayal. Bind me close to you day by day, hour by hour, and second be second. I don’t trust me but I fully trust you.

7 ARROWS : Matthew 26:47-68

Jesus was betrayed and all of his disciples scattered.

Jesus point blank told the chief priests he was the Messiah- the Son of God.

Jesus is intent on carrying out his mission no matter what.

All of Jesus’ disciples abandoned him

Be faithful to Jesus always.

Jesus made huge claims about himself and never backed down from them.

Jesus, thank you for being steadfast in your identity and obedience. You are the Messiah- the Son of God.

7 ARROWS : Matthew 26:31-46

Jesus warns Peter of the upcoming denial then takes his disciples to the garden to pray.

Jesus predicts so much in this passage and every detail is spot on. Credible.

Jesus, fully God and fully man, wrestles deeply but is completely obedient to this greatest most terrible mission of all time.

Meanwhile, the disciples just do not have the capacity to see what is unfolding. Their world is about to shatter.

Stay spiritually awake. Stay #onmission. Stay #onpurpose.

Remember, people are not all at the same place spiritually.

Lord Jesus, help me stay spiritually awake for your glory.

7 ARROWS : Matthew 26:17-30

Jesus shares the Passover meal with his disciples and prepares them for what is coming…but betrayal is close.

The Passover elements and traditions reveal the bigger picture of the Old Testament covenants with New Testament covenants.

God always keeps his promises forever..

God’s people need reminders of God’s promises and provision.

Rest in God’s promises.

The bridge between the Old & New Testament are not difficult to see. Great conversation here!

Lord Jesus, thank you for the way you fulfilled the Father’s covenant promise!