7 ARROWS : Matthew 13:44-46

Jesus teaches the parable of the hidden treasure and of the priceless pearl.

Two different two sentence parables seems easy enough on the surface…but what or who is the treasure and the pearl?

God himself is the treasure and those who completely commit everything are participating in the Kingdom of Heaven.

Man wants to be the treasure but that is short sighted.

Do whatever it takes to pursue Jesus.

The level of commitment here is worth noting.

Jesus, you are worth everything.

7 ARROWS : Matthew 13:24-43 & 47-50

Jesus teaches the parables of the weeds and the net.

These parables had to het wheels turning in people’s minds.

God lets us know that results in this world are a mixed bag and the true faithful will not be totally clear until the end of the age.

Looks can be deceiving…but God is not fooled.

Don’t be surprised because every field and net is mixed.

Take heart in knowing that God will oversee the sorting and he does not miss a thing.

Father, help me stay focused and on mission- your field, your nets, your business.

7 ARROWS : Matthew 13:1-33

Jesus tells and explains the parable of the sower.

In this agricultural age this parable was very relatable.

God sows broadly.

Mankind is a mixed bag.

Sow broadly and tend what has taken root. But remember, all growth comes from God.

Those three seeds that didn’t last are quite representative of life.

Father, you are the life. Help me be faithful on my end and trust you with what only you can do.

7 ARROWS : Matthew 12:38-49

Religious leaders try to get Jesus to perform a “sign” but their motives are evil.

Once again Jesus stands up to the bullies of the religious establishment.

God is not manipulated.

It is possible for someone to come face to face with Jesus and his amazing works and still reject him.

(See the next arrow for context.) Serve them. Pray for them. Don’t write them off, because no one is beyond God’s reach. But don’t be bogged down by them. You are not the savior they are longing for.

Realize that some people’s intentions are just wicked.

Holy Spirit, lead my heart to know how and when to respond or act toward those who are spiritually blind.

7 ARROWS : Matthew 12:22-37

Jesus heals a demon possessed man and the Pharisees say Jesus gets his power from Satan. That did not sit well with Jesus.

Folks would have seen through the ruse of the Pharisees trying to keep their power by discrediting Jesus.

Jesus was not standing for the weak arguments of the Pharisees.

Sinful people will do just about anything to hold on to power- even call good evil and evil good.

Be all in with Jesus.

The whole idea of identifying trees by their fruit is wise. Even skeptics could track with this logic.

Jesus, may my roots be deep and wrapped around you.

7 ARROWS : Matthew 12:1-21

The Pharisees try to play “gotcha” with Jesus. It doesn’t work out for them.

To average people of the day what Jesus was saying made good common sense.

God is not contained in or limited by systems.

Some would rather envision a tame God and keep him in a box, like a mascot. Just pull him out when you need some inspiration.

Jesus cannot be wielded or controlled.

This example of religious people caring more about institutions than people- it strikes a chord with many because it is far too common.

Jesus, you are Lord. You rule, reign, and act because you are the authority…not me.

7 ARROWS : Matthew 11:16-30

Jesus is put out with the lack of faith.

These are tough words for specific regions/neighborhoods. I bet their reputations were earned.

God’s power is revealed regardless if people acknowledge it or not.

People can be hard hearted regardless of evidence

Don’t get hung up on results equating faithfulness.

Jesus calls to whoever is burdened to come to him and find rest for their souls.

Jesus, your peace is like no other.

7 ARROWS : Matthew 11:1-15

John the Baptist is imprisoned and has doubts. Jesus publicly commends the faithfulness of John.

Hearing Jesus tie Isaiah’s prophecy together would have been faith building.

Jesus understood human limitations and did not define John’s life by them.

Even a man who Jesus described as “no one greater” has weaknesses.

Don’t let doubt and sin define you.

Doubts do not disqualify.

Jesus, thank you for your eternal perspective.

7 ARROWS : Matthew 10:26-42

God is sovereign even in persecution. Our King is worth every bit.

This passage recognizes the seismic shift that will rightfully divide believers from unbelievers.

There is no middle ground with God.

Every person on this earth will not follow Jesus.

Be faithful to Christ even when resistance comes.

This passage rightfully knocks the wind out of “easy believeism”. Good riddance.

Father, your Kingdom is not an addition to my life; rather, it IS my life because I belong to you.

7 ARROWS : Matthew 10:1-25

Jesus sends his disciples out on mission and gives a glimpse of days to come for future witnesses.

Early readers/hearers would have seen firsthand this divides in families and communities between those who held on to Judaism and those who have embraced Jesus as the long awaited Messiah.

God chooses to use people to spread his Kingdom message.

Some people receive Jesus, some reject. It’s always a mixed bag.

Be faithful to share Jesus’ Kingdom message. Rejoice when it is gladly received but don’t be surprised when it is vehemently  rejected.

When hearts are divided over Jesus in a community it can be tough. But when hearts are divided over Jesus in a household it can be brutal. Be merciful and compassionate, but don’t be surprised because Jesus himself said it would happen.

Jesus, you are more important than any tradition, system, religion, social standing, or even relationship.