7 ARROWS : 2 Timothy 2:1-13

Paul unloads three metaphors to help Timothy grasp how and why he needs to stand strong in the faith.

Metaphors only work if they are relatable. These were then and they are now.

God is always faithful.

We [I] need to be reminded of important truths that I already know but don’t think about or put into practice enough.

Be strong in grace.

There is some rich discussion to be had in these three metaphors.

Father, spiritually speaking, enable me to be a loyal soldier, a disciplined athlete, & a productive farmer for your glory.

7 ARROWS : 2 Timothy 1

Paul establishes his letter with a strong greeting to encourage Timothy.

The tone here implies that Timothy was down about Paul’s imprisonment and how that was going to end.

God equips his servants with exactly what they need exactly when they need it.

It is easy to lose focus of God’s sovereign and omnipotent picture and be distracted by temporary hardships.

Focus on God and trust him above all.

Timothy’s “shame” wasn’t because of Paul, rather Paul’s circumstances. It just didn’t seem right that a faithful friend and mentor would suffer like this.

Father, no matter what circumstances I find myself in, may my focus be completely on you.

7 ARROWS : 1 Timothy 6

Paul’s parting words encourage Timothy to be faithful to teach the true gospel, which transforms the lives of all who receive it.

Beyond Timothy, these specific groups mentioned by deed were likely a mixed bag of reception to these messages.

God wants to be represented accurately.

When people stray from the established essential truths of the gospel a root of superiority takes hold. This kind of person would rather be right (if even in their own eyes) than to represent Jesus well. And for folks who adhere to the “I’m just blunt/truthful, like Jesus was” keep in mind that most of the time when Jesus was harsh it was toward the self-righteous religious while being quite tender with “sinners”.

Pursue Christ- who is the greatest picture of righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance, and gentleness.

God desires to be known, and known accurately. That is the common thread to all of these particular exhortations of this chapter.

Lord Jesus, give me a capacity to love and obey you more closely.

7 ARROWS : 1 Timothy 5:17-25

Show appropriate honor to elders.

These are very practical words to the church and to elders as well.

God takes church leadership seriously and we would be wise to follow suite.

We generally pay more attention to giftedness and personality than inner character. That is a huge mistake.

Keep yourself pure (v.22).

Here is another example of the raised bar for leadership in the church.

Father, help me be faithful by paying attention to my character- especially to what is seen only by you.

7 ARROWS : 1 Timothy 5:1-16

Needy widows within the church are to be cared for, but they also have responsibilities.

At this time in history there was no social “safety net” for widows or vulnerable people or any kind. This instruction is both practical and necessary.

God is concerned with the plight of widows and desires his followers to reach out to them for his glory.

Even vulnerable people in a tough spot in life can abuse generosity.

Show mercy and compassion to whom God shows mercy and compassion.

Godly widows within the church are to be loved, honored, and supported.

Father, help me show genuine love to widows as you do.

7 ARROWS : 1 Timothy 4:11-16

Paul reaffirms Timothy’s gifts and calling.

An encouraging word from a respected friend is wind in your sail.

God calls and equips who he wills.

Conventional wisdom looks down on youthfulness.

At one time in my life I would read myself into this text as Timothy. Now I’m closer to a Paul.

Perseverance (v.16) is a big part of being a Christ-follower.

Father, help me be a faithful encourager and equipper.

7 ARROWS : 1 Timothy 4:1-10

Don’t stray from the essential gospel.

Timothy likely had already had run into some of these problems. This was good encouragement.

God is always good and worthy of all of our lives.

When truth is suppressed the conscious eventually becomes seared- calloused and numb. Self becomes the standard.

Train for godliness.

The conversation about the basis for truth is huge. Know Truth or no truth.

Lord, Jesus, you are the way, the truth, and the life.

7 ARROWS : 1 Timothy 3

Paul lists descriptions and qualifications of overseers and deacons.

These descriptors of various church leaders would hav been very helpful to this young pastor.

God has expectations for his followers and these expectations specifically for leaders in the church.

Just by scanning these requirements it is obvious that leadership is not for everyone.

There is a whole list of character traits here to put into practice.

The idea of qualified leadership is important. Both lists of qualifications for overseers and deacons focus on godly character, but there is one unique gifting for overseers- desire and ability to teach.

Father, thank you for equipping and calling leaders in the church.

7 ARROWS : 1 Timothy 2:8-15

Christ-followers are instructed to be vigilant in their prayer and worship.

There seems to be several “cultural bucking” topics here. Christ-followers should have different goals than the lost culture around them.

God is of utmost importance- more than every superficial thing that competes for time and attention.

Our default is to be less concerned with the things of God and more concerned on clothes, style, what others think of us, being in charge- all sorts of trivial matters compared to pleasing God.

My faith needs to be first on the list AND added to everything on my day to day calendar/list.

The overall topic here is spot on for today- busyness should not overtake our relationship with God and the mission to which he has invited us.

Father, save me from being spiritually stunted or sidetracked by busyness. Re-center and re-focus my life.

7 ARROWS : 1 Timothy 1:1-7

A prayerful quiet life pleases God.

The idea of praying for everyone, even those who oppose or persecute you, was familiar to more seasoned Christ-followers. For newer followers, it this could have been tough new information.

God desires for us to find out satisfaction in him.

Living out quiet, humble, and godly lives don’t typically make bucket lists.

Simply enjoy Jesus.

This idea of the simple godly life is always good to keep in mind in this busy age.

Father, deepen my connection with you in prayer.