7 ARROWS : 1 Timothy 1:18-20

Paul encourages Timothy to keep pressing on, even in the difficult situation of confronting false teachers.

No doubt the bad reputation of Hymenaeus and Alexander preceded them.

God’s patience has limits.

Sooner or later your sin will find you out.

Fight the good fight in the power of the Holy Spirit.

The term “shipwrecked” (v.19) is a helpful metaphor. Some people are headed toward the rocks. Some are stuck on the rocks. Some are broken to pieces and sunk.

Father, help me contend for the faith ONLY under the instruction and guidance of the Holy Spirit.

7 ARROWS : 1 Timothy 1:12-17

Paul shares his salvation testimony.

Paul’s influence on the people of his day was greatly enhanced by his personal testimony. Religious scholars are a dime a dozen but transformed faithful lives are priceless and mesmerizing.

God can save anyone.

A person who humbly recognizes their sinful condition is closer to salvation than the most impressive self-righteous person.

Always recognize that Jesus is the star of my story. In fact, I’m more of a bit player in his story.

This dramatic testimony is powerful. God is able to save!

Father, your arm is not too short to save. Praise God, you are able and willing!

7 ARROWS : 1 Timothy 1:1-11

Paul warns young Timothy to avoid time-sucking useless controversies and influence those caught up in them to focus on God’s revealed plan.

This is a very specific piece of advice. I’m sure Timothy received it well but I’m not sure about the “certain people” caught up in this drama.

God’s Word was not given to us as theory, but to reveal his character and his son, Jesus.

The law is a mirror that shows what we are apart from Christ (v.9-10).

Focus on the revealed Christ Jesus!

It is possible to know Bible knowledge, trivia, and complicated theories and miss knowing Jesus.

Father, help me stay grounded on the gospel of Jesus Christ.

7 ARROWS : Titus 3

Paul’s closing statements encourage Christ-followers to be a good example for outsiders.

Its always good to remember where you came from. This helps us stay tender toward those who are not yet Christ-followers.

God offers his grace and salvation- not because we are good but because he is good.

Lost people act lost. Spiritually immature people act immature.

Be patient and point to Jesus, remembering what he saved you out of.

There is great wisdom and instruction here, especially dealing with outsiders.

Father, its only by your grace that you reached out to me, an outsider, and adopted me into the family. I am eternally grateful!

7 ARROWS : Titus 2

Paul gives a snapshot of Christian living.

There are specific bits of encouragement for a variety of people.

God has expectations for his people- and for a reason. God equips his people to carry out his mission. Unequipped, unwilling to be transformed = not interested or able to be on mission with God.

Our character will either help or hinder us being on mission with God.

Proclaim these things as I put them to practice in my own life.

There is much wisdom from this chapter that needs to be lived and practiced.

Father God, thank you for changing be where I need to be changed for your glory. Help me be obedient clay and usable in your hand.

7 ARROWS : Titus 1

Paul writes a letter to Titus to encourage him to help organize his young church with proper leadership.

The original recipient of this letter was Titus, who was likely please and encouraged to receive this word from his mentor, Paul.

God has expectations for church leaders.

Rejection of truth leads to all sorts of unholy character traits.

Be faithful in the power of the Holy Spirit!

Verse 10 speaks of “rebellious people” and the instruction to “rebuke them sharply” in verse 13.

Father, thank you for equipping your church. Help us to be faithful where you have planted us.

7 ARROWS : James 5:12-20

James closes with clips of practical wisdom.

I think these wise sayings would have been gladly accepted among the churches.

God is present- not far away. He is intricately involved with his people.

Steadfast earnest walking with Jesus does not come easy.

Pray earnestly!

James ends hi book by emphasizing the powerful positive uses for words. That contrasts with the negative uses of the tongue from earlier in this book.

Lord Jesus, help my words be useful and not hurtful.

7 ARROWS : James 5:1-11

James urges people to get right with God to prepare for the return of Jesus.

James has shared some very blunt words, especially pointed toward the wealthy. I imagine this passage was more difficult to receive by the rich.

God is the righteous judge.

Wealth is a tricky tyrant.

Strengthen your heart!

God values endurance (v.11) and we should aspire to that long haul mentality in ministry. Do not give up.

Father, you alone are my strength.

7 ARROWS : James 4

God resits the proud, but gives grace to the humble.

This wisdom is practical but also personal.

God himself is in direct opposition to the proud.

Double-minded (v.8) is an accurate descriptor.

Draw close to God.

The idea of God being in purposeful (like everything God does) opposition to pride is jarring to our modern minds. But knowing the scriptures help. Pride is the original sin. Every other sin flows from pride. God is perfectly just in his opposition to the very thing that opposes him.

Father, help me choose humility…to choose you.

7 ARROWS : James 3:13-18

God’s wisdom is a great gift.

Pointing out the difference between godly wisdom and self-serving wisdom seems personal here.

God’s gifts are to be used for God’s purposes.

Eventually the fruit will reveal the root.

Seek godly wisdom.

Motives matter.

Father, I do ask for your wisdom, but I need your direction and leadership breath by breath to use it wisely.