7 ARROWS : James 3:1-12

Beware of the power of the tongue!

Wisdom like this is timeless and transcends cultures and time itself.

God care how we use this powerful tool he as lent us.

When we downplay the power of words we fool ourselves. We know better.

Watch what you say. And when you do speak, watch how you say it.

This conversation will find some common ground with just about everyone.

Father, thank you for your good gifts, like words! May I use them wisely to honor you.

7 ARROWS : James 2:14-26

Works accompany faith.

Since empty ceremonial religion was so common this likely struck a chord.

Belief is not merely an intellectual pursuit. God expects faith to transform a person.

People can be spiritually blind and religious at the same time.

Let faith move me to good works.

Faith (right believing) and works (right doing) should not be separated and compartmentalized, but many try.

Father, tune my faith to produce fruit for your glory.

7 ARROWS : James 2:1-13

James speaks out about favoritism in the church.

No doubt in my mind this was well received by average and poor people alike. I wonder how the wealthy people received it?

God is no respecter of social status.

People do judge in many different categories

Don’t judge people’s outward appearance.

Nobody should be pre-judged based on how little or much money they have. This is a great reminder regardless of which end of the economic spectrum you are in.

Father, help me see people with your eyes.

7 ARROWS : James 1:19-27

James shares pointed and practical insights about controlling the tongue.

This wisdom was likely well received by the early churches.

God is concerned with right doing and right thinking.

Segregating actions from belief is a false dichotomy.

Let my heart match my words and my words match my heart.

Verses 22-26 is an excellent illustration of the problem with separating belief from action.

Father, help my belief fuel obedience for your glory!

7 ARROWS : James 1:1-18

James shares wisdom about trials & temptations.

The early church needed this word. Trials and persecution were relentless.

God generously grants wisdom.

Our own evil desires are lured into action during the pressure of trials.

Stay vigilant. Pay attention so when trials come life is not derailed.

The explanation of how our own flesh is tempted in times of trials (v.13-15) is very helpful.

Father, thank your for your generous wisdom and every good gift you share.

7 ARROWS : Mark 16:14-20

The resurrected Jesus continues to reveal himself and also hands the disciples his mission before ascending to Heaven.

The mission of Jesus is clear and complete.

Part of God’s plan is to hand off his mission to those who have been transformed by Jesus.

Even disciples of Jesus struggle with faith- believing completely in what can’t fully be seen.

Remember, this is still the mission of Jesus. And it is to be pursued today!

Seems to me that the ongoing specific mission of Jesus (disciple making) gets too little attention.

Jesus, help me be on mission with you every day.

7 ARROWS : Mark 16:1-13

Resurrection! Jesus is alive!

Someone rising from the dead was as wild of an idea then as it is now.

Jesus does exactly what he said he would do.

Verse 8 says “astonishment overwhelmed them”. Accurate

Add “worship” & “lifelong devotion” to “astonishment”.

For early witnesses of the resurrection there was a tension. They were confused, excited, cautious, and terrified. They weren’t sure who to tell. But as they all put the pieces together their terror turned to excitement about what had happened…and what was happening. It is ok to be a bag of emotions. Tell the gospel story- all of it.

Lord Jesus, thank you for your resurrection power!

7 ARROWS : Mark 15:21-47

Jesus is crucified and buried.

This was the most humiliating and excruciating death imaginable.

The crucifixion and resurrection is the apex of God’s great redemptive plan.

There is much injustice and evil here, and that is exactly why Jesus is laying down his life.

Never get over the cross.

The purposeful death of Jesus is essential to Gospel conversations. In fact, Jesus paying for the sins of the people IS the good news. You can’t emphasize this enough.

Lord Jesus, awake my heart with wonder at your matchless grace poured out so generously.

7 ARROWS : Mark 15:1-20

Pilate reluctantly hand Jesus over to be crucified.

While Pilate had the authority, his main objective was to keep the peace. The chief priests had bullied their will on the people inciting a potentially riotous atmosphere.

God is determined to carry out his plan- steadfast.

The villains in this passage are the chief priests. Ironically, the job of the high priests was to help people be close to God. Instead, they incited the crowd to call for the execution of Jesus…which would ultimately make a way for people to be close to God. God is sovereign!

I need to let thankfulness and worship rise in my heart toward Jesus. He took my place.

Jesus was mostly silent. His intent was to die this very specific, very purposeful death. This is why he came to Earth!

My Jesus, I love you.

7 ARROWS : Mark 14:27-31 & 66-72

Before the arrest, Jesus predicted Peter’s denial. After the arrest, it happened just as Jesus said.

I think it was recognized that Peter’s denial was motivated by fear and self preservation.

Jesus knows, and he still loves you.

Even Christ-followers can be overtaken by fear.

Trust the character of Jesus, not my own.

This denial hurt, but Jesus never gave up on Peter. That says much about the character of Jesus then and now.

Lord Jesus, fortify my faith and allegiance to you alone.