7 ARROWS : Mark 8:31-9:1

Jesus explains what is necessary- his rejection & choosing the cross.

Talk about embarrassing. A cross?

God’s plans can be shocking.

Man’s plans can be totally wrong.

Cling to the cross- God’s “plan A” (& there is no “plan B”?).

If some people are not rejecting the notion of “taking up your cross” I am likely not explaining it well.

Jesus, help me see life through the cross.

7 ARROWS : Mark 8:22-30

Jesus restores the sight of a Gentile man and Jesus’ disciples begin to see he is the Messiah.

The specific word “Messiah” would have perked up Jewish ears.

Jesus opens eyes, both physical and spiritual.

Mankind has an “I” problem.

Focus on Jesus.

There are many who do not yet realize who Jesus truly is.

Jesus, help focus me to you.

7 ARROWS : Mark 8:1-21

Jesus performs another feeding miracle and tries to use it to teach his thick-headed disciples.

Some of the Gentiles had heard about Jesus and now they saw his power and authority first hand.

Jesus points his disciples to deeper truths.

Sometimes (many times?) Jesus’ disciples aren’t the sharpest knife in the drawer.

Pay attention- especially to deeper truths.

Some people need to experience Jesus first hand. Others need to experience Jesus with fresh eyes.

Jesus, please sharpen my attention, affections, and intellect for your glory.

7 ARROWS : Mark 7:1-23

Jesus flips the script of those trapped in empty religious ritual.

Early Jewish hearers/readers would have struggled with this flip.

God is more concerned with internal character than external ritual.

Mankind gravitates toward trying to appease God rather than dealing with their own sins.

I need to give my attention to the same places God gives his attention.

Be understanding but don’t shy away from setting the script straight.

Father, give me your wisdom and insight to think about my own nature and character as you do.

7 ARROWS : Mark 6:45-56

The disciples are astounded as Jesus walks across the sea and heals people.

The growing reputation of Jesus preceded him.

God’s “normal” is supernatural.

When humans witness something that doesn’t fit neatly within past experiences or knowledge, our default emotion is terror.

Do not be afraid!

When helping people process God’s supernatural nature, encourage them “do not fear”.

Jesus, remind me of your glorious reputation and let that melt my fears.

7 ARROWS : Mark 6:30-44

Jesus miraculously feeds 5,000+ people with one sack lunch.

So far this miracle has the most first-hand eyewitnesses. Amazed!

God is interested in building the faith of his servants- equipping them for his mission.

Men’s physical and spiritual hunger is mostly greater than our faith.

Trust Jesus to do the seemingly impossible.

Even with Jesus some were more interested in the bread than the Bread of Life. Don’t be shocked or surprised…it still happens today.

Jesus, you are the source of all nourishment. Help us enjoy you all of our days.

7 ARROWS : Mark 6:14-29

John the Baptist is martyred.

In a way John’s untimely death solidified his reputation as a prophet.

God’s plans can include temporary suffering of the faithful.

Some people are wicked at any cost. Some people are faithful at any cost.

Do not fear consequences of righteous actions.

Don’t gloss over the fact of possible consequences for being faithful.

God, help me to endure. Give wisdom and strength to do what is right no matter what.

7 ARROWS : Mark 6:1-13

Jesus is rejected by his hometown then sends his disciples on a mission.

People are seeing the tension of belief in Jesus’ power and authority.

Even Jesus was amazed (v.6) at unbelief- even with his miracles.

Some people reject Jesus no matter what.

Receive Jesus’ message and joyfully repeat it to others.

Some people will not receive Jesus. Shake it off and move along.

Lord, help me live undistracted.

7 ARROWS : Mark 5:21-43

People are amazed at Jesus healing a woman then raising a little girl from the dead!

The healing was pleasantly accepted. The resurrection- not so much. Minds were blown…beyond comprehension.

God is all powerful and boundless.

Our minds, like our faith, are finite.

God is “other”…not like humans (not even the best of the best moments). Remember that always.

Sometimes even seeing is not believing. Be patient and persistent. God does the real convincing.

Nothing is impossible for you, Lord.