7 ARROWS : Mark 5:1-20

Jesus heals a raging demon possessed man.

I imagine early hearers/readers of this would want to hear from people of this region to corroborate this account.

Jesus is fully able to save.

Men can be enslaved by terrible evil.

Remember no one is beyond saving.

People shouldn’t be written off as “too far gone”. Jesus has a way of transforming the darkest of despair to dazzling light for all to see.

Jesus, help me bring your message of hope to everyone.

7 ARROWS : Mark 4:35-41

Jesus calm the sea and his disciple freak out.

Amazed! The disciples had seen Jesus heal, but this act of commanding nature? Unheard of.

Jesus is unflappable.

Circumstances can put tremendous tension on our faith. At these times we will find out what we really trust in.

Trust Jesus.

Be quick to point people in crisis to Jesus.

Lord, nothing is above your command. Increase my faith.

7 ARROWS : Mark 4:21-34

Jesus continues to use parables to uncover the once hidden Kingdom.

It was probably difficult to unlearn long-held but erroneous ideas of the Kingdom of God.

God’s Kingdom is surprising. One day nothing is seen- but God is at work beneath the surface. The harvest seems instant, but all along the mostly unnoticed process was steadily growing.

Mankind is short sighted.

Always remember and relish that God is at work.

You never know what God is growing beneath the surface.

Father, you are the source of all life. And you grow beautiful things.

7 ARROWS : Mark 4:1-20

Jesus uses a parable to explain all kinds of people.

Jesus was likely telling this parable ABOUT the crowd (not just to the crowd).

God is a generous sower.

All distributed seeds do not thrive equally.

Sow broadly and remember these words from Jesus.

The world is a mixed bag. Some will receive the word. Some won’t.

Father, help me be faithful to sow. I trust you to do the rest.

7 ARROWS : Mark 3:20-35

Jesus is accused of wielding Satanic power.

Early readers would recognize the gaslighting instigated here by the power hungry religious leaders. Their goal was to discredit “the new guy” at all cost.

Jesus is extremely patient.

There are always wicked people who will defend poorly thought out views regardless of evidence, facts, or logic.

Recognize and credit God’s work.

Follow Jesus’ example dealing with difficult people (as described in the down arrow above).

Father, empower me to have the demeanor of Christ (not just the mission).

7 ARROWS : Mark 3:1-19

As wicked Pharisees plot, Jesus goes into multiplication mode.

Early Jewish readers would have noticed the contrast between the old (Pharisees) and the new (Jesus).

God’s message is Jesus, but God’s messengers are many.

Some people look for a reason to trust Jesus. Others look for a reason to condemn Jesus.

Be a multiplying messenger.

Expect some hearts to remain hardened. Proclaim the message anyway…and equip others to do the same.

Father, help me do this faithfully and in your power.

7 ARROWS : Mark 2:18-25

Jesus puts empty tradition in its proper place.

Hearing that customs have become hollow is difficult to process.

Jesus is greater than the sign posts that point to him.

Humans can get stuck in spiritual ruts and miss out on what God is doing right now.

Realize that while the mission of God does not change the methods must.

Being trapped in hollow religion is lonely. Be merciful!

Lord, help me hold tightly to you. And help me be open handed as you will.

7 ARROWS : Mark 2:1-17

Religious people are offended by the claims and methods of Jesus.

Some readers would be shocked at the claims of Jesus, others at his actions.

God’s ways can be shocking, especially to the self-righteous.

The local “riff raff” were thirsty for what Jesus was offering.

Remember Jesus as described in the Bible and not the stuffy Jesus of religious formalities.

My mission and methods should parallel those of Jesus.

God, help me love you more than any worldly expectation.

7 ARROWS : Mark 1:39-45

Crowds pursue Jesus after he heals a leper.

This miracle is more confirmation that Jesus is much more than just another rabbi.

Jesus shows compassion even when he knew it could change his plan.

Desperate people do not wait.

Trust that God’s mission will not be thwarted.

Expect desperate people. Expect plans to change.

Lord, help my faith be rightly placed in you- not my plans.

7 ARROWS : Mark 1:14-38

The bold and powerful ministry of Jesus cannot be ignored.

Verse 38 shows Jesus’ resolve to preach the good news of the Kingdom.

God wants to reveal himself.

Needs and heartaches are plentiful, but even in hardship people don’t always see their deepest need.

Verse 38 “this is why I have come”…most days I could stand to be bolder and more confident in God’s calling on me.

Point to Jesus’ Kingdom as I meet needs along the way.

Father, by your authority, help my faith grow in every way to purpose your mission.