7 Arrows : Revelation 7

Some time after the 6th seal, judgements are paused while 144,000 are sealed (saved) by God himself. A vast multitude of people are joined together worshiping before the throne of God.

Verse 9 would have been a staggering thought.

God is deserving of all worship.

Even those totally separated from God during this great tribulation can find hope in salvation by being washed clean by the blood of the Lamb.

Spend more facedown time before the Lord.

There is much speculation about the identity of the 144,000 (even among Jesus-loving Bible scholars). Here is a certainly- those people are sealed (saved) by God himself. And the “vast multitude”…could be the 144,000 or that group + more…regardless, it is a super diverse crowd of the redeemed from around the world and their worship is beautifully relentless.

Salvation belongs to our God, who is seated on the throne, and to the Lord!

7 Arrows : Revelation 6

One by one, the first six of God’s seals of judgement are unleashed to earth.

Nothing has ever been seen on earth like this. I would imagine the original hearers are awe struck.

Jesus himself opens these seals for he alone is worthy and just to do so.

Man is no match for the power of God…yet this is just the beginning.

Remember, the day of God’s wrath to come. God’s cup of wrath will eventually run over.

Just keeping in mind that this day will come is sobering. God’s great patience is limited. That would motivate good use of our time, talent, and treasure.

Lord Jesus, your salvation is precious and your judgements are just.

7 Arrows : Revelation 5

Jesus is revealed as the only one in heaven or earth who is worthy to open the scroll containing the judgements- the day of the Lord.

The fact that Jesus is central to the day of the Lord shows that Jesus is indeed the revelation, the revealed one.

Jesus is uniquely and unequivocally worthy as the righteous judge.

Every creature (including humans, v. 13) will confess that Jesus is worthy of deepest honor, glory, and power forever.

Always remember the worth of Jesus.

There is a reason Jesus alone is worthy to be this righteous judge of the world. Salvation was offered through Jesus once and for all as the perfect sacrifice to atone for sins of those who would turn to him. Those who have rejected Jesus and insisted on paying for their own sins are about to get their way.

Jesus, you are worthy now and forever!

7 Arrows : Revelation 4

John is ushered into the throne room of God Almighty!

No matter which of the 7 churches (chapter 2 & 3) an original reader was in, this other worldly, but glorious, picture of God would have filled them with awe. The criticisms of their church would have made sense in light of this new chapter.

God is holy and worthy of every bit of worship we can bring him and more.

We are very small and thoroughly unworthy to be in God’s presence. Only through Christ are we able to stand!

Don’t wait until heaven to give God the worship he deserves.

If we could just get a picture of God on his throne and what is going on it would inspire our hearts toward worship. God is worthy and when we see that we will worship.

Father God, you are worthy and I want to be your worshipper here an earth as it is in heaven.

7 Arrows : Revelation 3:14-22

The church of Laodicea is lukewarm towards Jesus, which disgusts God.

I don’t know exactly how this letter was received but I imagine it was a mixed review. Almost certainly, a number of Laodicians didn’t care. đŸ˜‰ But really.

God can be disgusted.

Spiritual ambivalence is not an honorable character trait.

Do not straddle the fence. Be 100% all in as a disciple of Christ.

This could be a conversation about “hot or cold” toward Christ or “are you serving your intended purpose?”. Either way, obedience solves the problem.

Holy Spirit, I am awaiting your instruction and power.

7 Arrows : Revelation 3:7-13

The church of Philadelphia is patiently and faithfully following Christ.

I don’t know exactly how this letter was received but I imagine it was a mixed review.

God keeps his own.

Troublemakers only think they have power.


God seems particularly annoyed with this local group of troublemakers. His plan is to humiliate them in public. Does this still happen today? Likely.

Father, I want to follow your lead. Help me to be sensitive & obedient to your Holy Spirit.

7 Arrows : Revelation 3:1-6

The church of Sardis has a great reputation but is wasn’t accurate because they were mostly spiritually dead.

I don’t know exactly how this letter was received but I imagine it was a mixed review.

God is willing to save those who repent.

It is possible to have a vibrant reputation on the outside but be spiritually hollow and dead on the inside.

Walk with Christ in righteousness.

This example of “fine upstanding” lost people is a challenge in every generation. It is impossible to bring about healing if the patient refuses to admit they are cut deeply and are bleeding out.

Lord Jesus, I’m depending on you for salvation, not anything I have done.

7 Arrows : Revelation 2:18-29

The church of Tyatira was faithfully following Christ, but tolerating a bold false teacher right under their noses.

I don’t know exactly how this letter was received but I imagine it was a mixed review.

God’s patience is limited and his judgement is severe. All of his actions are perfectly just…MUCH more than fair.

People who are not grounded in God’s truth can be led astray- especially if the error is something they really want to believe. This is how people make God in their own image instead of recognizing that God made Adam in his image. We are not the standard!

Do no compromise truth or tolerate “leaders” who do.

Sometimes awkward or difficult conversations need to be had, especially when leaders (or those who have set themselves up as leaders) are leading others astray.

Father, please give wisdom on when to confront and when to wait (& keep my mouth shut). And always help/protect me from embarrassing you in the way I handle or refuse to handle difficulties like this.

7 Arrows : Revelation 2:12-17

The church of Pergamum was located in a hub of evil.

I don’t know exactly how this letter was received but I imagine it was a mixed review.

God is holy and does not share his glory.

In this broken world moral compromise is the path of least resistance.

Hold fast to God in his holiness.

Compromising essentials of the faith generally happens gradually.

Lord Jesus, you are truth. Help me walk in step with the Spirit who will always point me to you. May my moral compass always be you.

7 Arrows : Revelation 2:8-11

The church of Smyrna is suffering faithfully and needs encouragement.

This letter was likely received with thankfulness and tears.

God alone is the source of strength and endurance for spiritual oppression.

The devil can play the unregenerate like a puppet master.

Listen to the Holy Spirit always. And if suffering comes, embrace and trust God.

Sometimes all we can offer those who are suffering is our presence and our prayers. And that is enough.

Father, help me see suffering as you do- temporary and, in the big picture, useful.