7 ARROWS : Acts 12

James is martyred. Peter is miraculously rescued. Herod’s terrible life comes to a terrible end.

These followers of Jesus are paying the price of speaking of Jesus with their lives- still they persist!

God’s message will not be silenced.

Powerful men may play God but will fail miserably at playing with God.

Be obedient regardless of the end. Trust God’s sovereignty.

The Gospel is further validated by those willing to suffer for it.

Father, help me trust your plan even to the end- and beyond.

7 ARROWS : Acts 11

Peter deals with pushback about Gentile believers, the church receives this good news and continues to grow in number and influence.

Of course there was pushback. But this underlines the point- God shows no favoritism.

God builds his church.

Sometimes Christ-loving people need clarity on a tough subject- and that’s ok. Having our fuzzy (or wrong) thinking conformed to the mind of Christ is essential to growing spiritually.

Pursue and trust the leadership of the Holy Spirit.

When people see God obviously at work many want to be a part.

God, growing your Kingdom deep and wide is your work.

7 ARROWS : Acts 10

God’s glorious salvation is for anyone who will receive it.

Here is another example of salvation through Christ transcending culture.

God does not play favorites according to race, ethnicity, or any other category. The ground is level at the foot of the cross.

The ground is level at the foot of the cross.

Don’t ever assume that God’s grace can be boxed in.

Regardless of mankind’s various differences we all have the same deepest need- dealing with our own sin…salvation.

Father, thank you for reaching out to all humanity with your great love and provision.

7 ARROWS : Acts 9:31-43

Word of Jesus continues to spread, many times beginning with miracles.

These kinds of healings and resurrections of the dead could only be attributed to a great work of God.

God knows how to get people’s attention.

God’s great works can lead to Gospel conversations and conversions.

Take every opportunity to point blessings back to Jesus.

Many people want to trust Jesus, but need to hear the Gospel.

God, help me tell your story well in the power of your Holy Spirit.

7 ARROWS : Acts 9:1-30

Saul/Paul was radically saved after a face to face encounter with Jesus.

A highly educated Jewish zealot like Saul becoming a Christ-follower was astounding.

God can save anyone and redeem their life beyond anyone’s imagination.

Everyone need the saving grace of Jesus.

I need to never forget what God has redeemed me from.

The most vehement and vile enemy of Christ could repent and become his chosen ambassador.

Lord, thank you for surprising mercy and grace!

7 ARROWS : Acts 8:26-40

Phillip has a divine appointment to have a Gospel conversation that will change a nation.

The fact that the Gospel of salvation being for Jews and Gentiles alike would have been a new concept.

God is the best appointment scheduler.

When Christ-followers follow the leadership of the Holy Spirit, God works through them.

Listen for the Holy Spirit and obey.

Here is another example of a seeker needing the Gospel dots connected. Pay attention!

Lord, help me be attentive and obedient to the direction of your Holy Spirit.

7 ARROWS : Acts 8:4-25

Sorcerer Simon was saved, but not yet sanctified.

Signs and wonders got the attention of many- and the refusal of the apostles to “sell” the Holy Spirit did as well.

God cannot be bought.

Even after believing in Christ for salvation we all have a lot of sanctifying days ahead.

Embrace sanctification.

There are spiritually immature Christ-followers who sin because they do not know better. Be patient, but don’t shy away from speaking truth.

Father, thank you for your patience with me. Continue to refine me for your glory.

7 ARROWS : Acts 6:8 & chapter 7 & chapter 8:1-3

Deacon Stephen preaches his last sermon.

Jewish folks would have loved this sermon…well, at least until verses 51-53.

History is God’s story.

We love sentimental storytelling but hate it when we are not cast in a positive light.

If God is leading and fueling it- be bold!

People need the dots of truth connected- even when they don’t like all of it.

God, please give wisdom, power, & boldness to tell your story.

7 Arrows : Acts 6:1-7

Faithful helpers for the apostles are selected.

The murmuring between the two groups would have been familiar to early readers.

God is working!

The apostles need help. This thing is getting really big and the needs are complex.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help or be help to others serving God.

Not equipping people for ministry or giving them opportunities is robbing many people of blessing of serving the way God gifted them.

God help me be an equipper.

7 ARROWS : Acts 5:17-42

God’s message and mission cannot be stopped!

Gamaliel had it right in verses 35-39, and I think faithful Jewish witnesses would have agreed.

God himself does the “heavy lifting”.

God-fearing people then to pay more attention as logic fail to bring easy answers.

Even unbelievers can be witnesses of what they see in Christ-followers. This can be a double edged sword.

Trust God.

Lord Jesus, help me- empower me, by the Holy Spirit- to represent you well.