7 ARROWS : John 3:22-36

John the Baptist fully points God’s spotlight on Jesus, God’s son, and says it is time for his own spotlight to dim.

John the Baptist had a huge following with Jews longing for the Messiah. He points them squarely to Jesus!

God sent his son to save mankind from righteous wrath.

We are prone to miss the great things God is doing. This could be that we have little faith or maybe it doesn’t look like what we expected.

He must increase. I must decrease.

There are people in my life I have substantial influence with. I need to steward that well.

Father, help my own self promoting passions to whither and my passion for you to thrive for your glory. Thank you for completely paying for the wrath I earned.

7 ARROWS : John 3:1-21

Jesus makes shocking claims to a big time religious leader- Jesus is the Messiah.

Very early in his public ministry Jesus unpacked his identity and purpose to an in influential Jewish religious leader.

Jesus was very clear and focused on his mission.

The pride and fear of Nicodemus drove him to be secret in his admiration of Jesus. This very educated man got an education in this conversation.

Being saved and joining Jesus’ mission is more important than the praise of “good moral citizens”.

Most people don’t know Jesus made such exclusive “narrow claims” about how to be a part of the “Kingdom of God”. Even fewer have experienced being born again.

Father, I have believed (trusted) in Jesus as Savior and Lord. Please help me to walk by the Spirit and help others do the same…even religious folks.

7 ARROWS : John 1:43-51 & chapter 2

Jesus begins to show his disciples who he really is by performing a miracle, fulfilling prophecies, and teaching with authority.

Even the best of rabbis don’t perform miracles and make wild claims (like v.19). Jesus is proving himself to be more than a “good teacher”.

God’s interaction with people is surprising- tender towards common folks in an awkward social situation, tough on people misusing religion for selfish gain $.

Jesus met life needs of several groups of people and they didn’t even realize it.

I should remember that Jesus. is working, maybe even behind the scenes, revealing himself.

Some people need a tender friend who can sympathize with their problems. Others need their tables turned over.

Lord Jesus, help me to stay the course. Help me to know when to be tender or tough, for your name.

7 Arrows : John 1:29-42

Jesus is baptized and begins inviting disciple to follow him.

The Jewish faithful looked to John the baptist as a special man of God, maybe even a prophet. John points God’s spotlight on Jesus, the “Lamb of God”.

God has set the stage for Jesus, the Messiah, to begin public ministry. Now is the time!

In v.29 John the Baptist reminds us that the world is sinful and in need of a Savior.

John the Baptist recognized who Jesus was and what he came to do. I should as well.

Be like Andrew, who believed what John said about Jesus. Andrew began following Jesus and pointing others to him along the way.

Father, help my belief in the person and work of Jesus move my passion to follow him daily and help others do the same.

7 ARROWS : John 1:1-28

Jesus is the ultimate way God revealed himself to mankind.

Jesus is the point of all things and has been before anything was created.

Jesus is God! Always has been. Everything that is created was created by Jesus. Everything that is rescued will be rescued by Jesus.

For the most part, men didn’t recognize the great rescuer, Jesus. Still, Jesus did what was needed to save us.

I need to recognize Jesus is not part of my plans. Rather, I am part of Jesus’ plan.

Many people have not yet recognized who Jesus truly is. I need to point them to the “real Jesus” every chance I get.

Lord Jesus, help me to live out what I know to be true. You are God revealed. help me be faithful to point others toward you.

7 ARROWS : Jude

Jude warns of the nefarious nature of false teachers.

Jude was writing about a very specific problem.

God is merciful- even to those who waver (v.23), but false teachers need to be called out.

False teachers endanger others (“dangerous reefs” v.12), have nothing worth while to say (“waterless clouds” v.12), are fruitless (“dead trees” v.12), are out of control (“wild waves” v.12) and have lost their way (“wandering stars” v.13).

Contend for the faith! (v.3)

There is much to chew on here about false teachers and those who follow them.

Father, I am relying on your Holy Spirit to lead me step by step to navigate contending for the faith while showing great mercy to those who are wavering. Help me walk the line.

7 ARROWS : 2 Timothy 4

Paul brings this letter to an end by giving Timothy and his church family encouragement.

This chapter reads like a hopeful farewell, and it is.

God expects his mission to be carried out even while the messenger is staring down death.

When times get tough people can get spooked and abandon God’s mission and God’s faithful servants.

Finish strong.

It is very interesting that Paul’s closing encouragement to Timothy was “preach the Word” (v.2). Paul’s request was to have his scrolls and parchments brought to his jail cell. Even approaching death, Paul was faithfully carrying out the mission God set before him.

Lord, empower me to be faithful to the end, for your glory.

7 ARROWS : 2 Timothy 3:10-17

The Godly will be persecuted. It is vitally important for Christ-followers to fortify their faith by knowing and obeying God’s Word- especially as the pressure intensifies.

The early church was feeling the squeeze of persecution and it only got harder.

God fully equips his saints.

Nobody enjoys struggle- but that is part of this life.

Be equipped. Stay equipped.

This kind of encouragement helps us not be surprised when life is hard, because duh, it is! Deal with it! God equips us!

Father, I trust you no matter how difficult life becomes. Help me remember and rely on you.

7 ARROWS : 2 Timothy 3:1-9

Avoid the wickedness of the last days!

Even though this kind of dirt existed in Paul and Timothy’s day, this behavior today is exponentially more common, normalized, and celebrated.

God’s character is the opposite of all of these traits.

Sin separated us from a right relationship with God.

Don’t conform to these patterns. Constantly have your mind renewed lest you fall into the most worn path (that resembles these character traits).

One would be hard pressed to argue that this isn’t the obvious direction of modern culture.

Father, thank your for your “otherness”. Help me find satisfaction in you and be transformed to look more and more like Jesus.

7 ARROWS : 2 Timothy 2:14-26

The big takeaway here is don’t waste words and time on topics that are of little consequence.

False teachers and shallow faith were as common then as they are now.

God is sovereign and chooses whoever he wills to use for his glory.

There is no shortage of wickedness, false teacher, and those eager to follow them.

Avoid the foolishness mentioned here.

The summary of verses 22-26 is reject this sinful behavior, pursue the Lord with purity, and patiently help others do the same.

Lord, help me be gentle on #onpurpose like Jesus.