7 Arrows : Revelation 22:6-21

Jesus is coming soon.

The readers/hearers from the churches of Revelation 2-3 were likely flabbergasted by now. đŸ˜³

God has revealed his plan to help us stay the course.

All who are thirsty are invited to drink and be satisfied from the hand of God.

Time is more limited than we think. Live #onmission. Live #onpurpose.

Jesus & his second mission to Earth has been revealed for a reason and I believe that reason is for fan the flame of the Great Commission he left us with in preparation for this future.

Come, Lord Jesus, come!

7 Arrows : Revelation 22:1-5

John is shown the throne of God and the Lamb, the source of life.


God is where life flows from.

God’s name will be written on his servant’s foreheads because they are his.

Even now every good thing flows from God. Savor him.

Its an awesome thought of a Kingdom ruled perfectly just with no sin at all, only perfect beauty and harmony between everyone worshiping their King.

Lord Jesus, you are the source of all goodness and beauty!

7 Arrows : Revelation 21:8-17

A new Jerusalem descends from Heaven to Earth- God’s dwelling place to share with all who’s names are in the Lamb’s Book of Life.

With the arrival of the New Jerusalem God’s recreation in complete.

God himself is the temple- choosing to dwell with men.

All people who have been born again will experience the very presence of God Almighty.

No matter what the highs and lows are of this life are, someday Jesus will make all things right. The ultimate future is bright!

In this description there are amazing sights but the infinity bigger treasure is the closeness of ordinary Christ-followers like me to be with Jesus…no shadow, no sin nature…perfection.

Lord Jesus, how I long for this day!

7 Arrows : Revelation 21:9-27

God has restored all things in the Kingdom to their perfect place.

To suffering Christ-followers this description fulfills their greatest hope.

God’s plan for humanity has always been leading to this day- complete restoration.

Man’s best life is in Christ- living with him, every tear erased, death dead, no more grief, or pain…perfection.

Hallelujah! Jesus is King and one day we will be perfectly remade and with him!!!

This doctrine of recreation (the restoration of all things) does not get talked about enough. Jesus is who makes Heaven what it is, but sin has broken all of creation and that has to be remedied.

Lord Jesus, how I look forward to seeing you face to face. I am in need of restoration. I am in need of you.

7 Arrows : Revelation 20:11-15

In this Great White Throne Judgement final justice over sin debt is served.

Judgement day has been written about extensively throughout scripture.

Jesus is the judge sitting on this throne.

Man’s contribution to this judgement is the sin that made it necessary and the foolish rejection of Jesus’ substitutionary atonement that would have rescued them.

It is a glorious thought my name is written in the Book of Life.

There is debate about exactly who is being judged here. Once school of thought is that it is for all people, believers and unbelievers alike. However, the emphasis of this passage is on the fate of unbelievers. Was John’s vision of this incomplete? There is no specific mention of believers here which leads to the second school of thought- this judgement is exclusively for unbelievers. This isn’t a judgement of “saved” v/s “lost”, rather a time for each unbeliever (all of whom are doomed) to give an account of their deeds. Perhaps this is so their punishment fits their sin. One thing is crystal clear here- there is a Book of Life and if anyone’s name is not written in it their eternal future is Hell, eternal separation. There is only one thing that seals the deal for being condemned to Hell, rejecting Jesus’ gift of salvation.

Almighty God, I trust and rest in you alone.

7 Arrows : Revelation 20:1-10

Satan is imprisoned while martyrs are resurrected to rule with Christ. After this Satan is released for a short time before being cast into Hell forever.

Satan has been wreaking havoc on Earth since Genesis 3. Finally, no more.

God is infinitely more powerful than Satan.

The thought of a mortal man reigning and judging with Christ is remarkable.

Take great comfort in being a child of the most high God Almighty.

Too many times Satan is viewed as God’s evil opposite, a real rivalry of power- but this is not accurate. One day God will flick Satan into Hell like a man flicks an ant. The competition is not even close.

Almighty God, I trust and rest in you alone.

7 Arrows : Revelation 19

A massive celebration in Heaven breaks out as warrior Jesus rides to conquer the Beast, the False Prophet, and all men who followed them.

Jesus will make good on the claim that he alone is King of Kings & Lord of lords.

Because of his great power, all Jesus had to do to utterly crush his enemies is to speak.

The most powerful military forces of the world are no match for Jesus.

Remember the full expression of Jesus. His person and personality are not limited to the humble suffering servant we see in the Gospels.

Someday Jesus, the greatest warrior, will return to earth to crush his foes.

Lord Jesus, come quickly.

7 Arrows : Revelation 18

People left on earth deeply mourn the loss of Babylon the Great.

They were probably amazed that even after seeing obvious judgements of God they were still non-repentant, even sad evil Babylon was destroyed.

God’s power in undeniable.

The root of the mourner’s sadness seems to be that their source of great wealth has been destroyed (v. 11, 15, 17, 19).

Remember Jesus’ word “where your treasure is, there you heart shall be also” (Matt. 6:21) and Paul’s word to Timothy “the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil” (1 Tim. 6:10).

These wicked people cared only about their great wealth at any cost. And since that is all gone they are left hollow and devastated.

Father, realign my heart to value you are the treasure above all treasures!

7 Arrows : Revelation 17

John is given a glimpse even further into the future.

I wonder if the original audience speculated who this imagery is describing.

No one even comes close to defeating the Lamb (v.14).

Wicked powerful leaders follow whatever means it takes to continue holding power.

Take great comfort that God will deal justly with every evildoer.

I do not know exactly who this evil woman represents. However, they led the world to conspire with powerful leaders to oppose the saints of God. Thier end will be just and fitting.

Father, please grant me discernment and most of all a heart to see you as the treasure and contentment that you are.

7 Arrows : Revelation 16

This chapter gives a play by play of each of the 7 “Bowl Judgements”.

It is difficult for any person from any time period or culture to imagine such terrible earth shattering events.

As powerful as these judgements are they are “pre-game” compared to the Battle of Armageddon that is coming.

Three different placed in this chapter (v. 9, 11, 21) refer to defiant non-repentant people.

Remember that some people get more hard hearted and bitter with hardship.

These judgements have a similar feel to the ancient plagues in Egypt. As they get more severe hearts get harder.

Lord Jesus, thank you for taking the wrath I deserve. Grateful!