7 ARROWS : Romans 16

Paul wraps up his letter with thank you’s and a final word of caution.

These listed names add to the validity and personal appeal of this letter.

God is honored by his followers loving each other well and serving faithfully.

The flip side of Christ-serving unifiers are self-serving dividers.

Be commendable for the glory of God.

What is celebrated is repeated. Honor those who have been a blessing in your life and watch the blessing grow.

Father, help me be your faithful unifying servant.

7 ARROWS : Romans 15

The gospel is for you but it’s not JUST for you.

Here is another example of Paul encouraging Christ-followers from different cultures to focus on what they have in common- Jesus.

God is glorified when his followers are unified in him.

Apart from being transformed by Christ, people pretty much do what seems right to further their own interests.

Continue pursuing my own relationship with Jesus and be faithful in every chapter of life.

Unity should be a big deal with us because it is a big deal to God.

Father, help my pursue unity with other Christ-followers and endure faithfully till the end.

7 ARROWS : Romans 14

Keep the main thing the main thing.

The various cultural backgrounds of Jews, Gentiles (Roman & Greek) make this a very timely topic.

God deems the Gospel greater than any cultural tradition.

People tend to make themselves the standard for righteousness. Self-centered much?

Try to promote peace and rest in Christ’s freedom.

Trust that the Holy Spirit will guide immature believers the same way he guided you. Focus on abiding in Christ!

Father, thank you for the way you show patience towards me. Help me do the same to others.

7 ARROWS : Romans 13

God is interested in transforming our character to show himself to others. This is far beyond what we do down to who we are.

The notion of submitting to the Roman government was tough.

God cares deeply about our transformation.

We are sleepy- a little lazy in our pursuit of holiness and even God himself.

Put on the Lord Jesus. Don’t make plans to sin.

Our sinful hearts buck against any kind of authority.

Father, thank you for transforming grace.

7 ARROWS : Romans 12

God has not abandoned Israel- but salvation for the majority of the Jewish people is yet to come.

This chapter reads like a description of the transformed life (v. 2).

This description matched up with the reputation of early Christ-followers making Jesus’ words in John 15:8 & John 15:12 ring true. Christ-followers are recognized by their love.

Mankind is in desperate need of transformation.

I need continuous transformation so I can be equipped and willing to serve others with the gifts God has given me.

Too many people miss out on the transformed life.

Gather, thank you for continuing to remake and reform me for your good pleasure & purposes.

7 ARROWS : Romans 11

God has not abandoned Israel- but salvation for the majority of the Jewish people is yet to come.

Ironically, this line of thought in verses 1-12 pairs up nicely with Deacon Stephen’s first and last sermon in Acts 7.

God goes to great lengths to reveal himself.

Human wisdom and understanding falls short.

Always be thankful for God’s kindness towards me.

Just because someone’s heart was hard toward God in the past does not mean their attitude is the same today.

Wise Father, your ways are perfect.

7 ARROWS : Romans 10

Salvation can be for anyone regardless of their background.

Paul is consistent in his leveling of Judaism having any kind of spiritual advantage apart from Christ.

God reward faith in Christ from anyone.

Men need to hear and respond to the gospel for salvation.

I need to be a voice that points people to Jesus.

Many people have not heard and certainly not comprehended or responded to the gospel.

Here I am, Lord. Send me.

7 ARROWS : Romans 9

God chose Israel but some of Israel did not choose God- rather, they depended on their own works.

This would have been a difficult message for law keeping Jews to take to heart.

God is perfectly just in every way.

When it comes to salvation, the only thing men bring to the table is their own sin.

Remember: salvation is offered because of God’s goodness- not ours.

When we have an accurate view of our own righteousness apart from Christ (sad face), the entire conversation of God’s actions being just comes into proper focus.

Perfect Father, thank you for your perfect character.

7 ARROWS : Romans 8:18-39

One day all Christ-followers will be completely transformed- glorified at last!

This hope of glory piece fills in so many gaps of both Jewish and Gentile theology.

God’s love is infinitely massive.

Man’s only lasting hope is in Christ.

I need to fully trust the Holy Spirit for the here and now as much as eternity to come.

God’s unfailing love is worth pointing people towards often.

Holy Spirit, increase my faith in your ability to lead, correct, and transform me now and into eternity.

7 ARROWS : Romans 8:1-17

Walking in the Spirit is life and peace!

This is another example of how the law reveals our sin problem but on the Spirit can truly fix it.

The Holy Spirit leads Christ-followers to a full life now.

Our flesh fails in so many ways.

Walk in the Spirit breath by breath.

People need to hear the great adoption story from verses 14 and 15.

Father, thank you for adopting me and continuing to remake me as I walk with you. Give me endurance and a holy desire for more of you.