7 ARROWS : Mark 1:1-13

God’s last prophet, John the Baptist, prepares people for Jesus’ public ministry.

The prophecy of Isaiah being fulfilled points to the Messiah.

God values preparation (John & Jesus).

Some people are eagerly awaiting salvation.

If John and Jesus needed preparation to carry out God’s plan, so do I.

There are always people eager to grow. Don’t be so focused on the uninterested that you miss God-ordained opportunities.

Prepare me, Lord.

7 ARROWS : Hebrews 13

This closing gives several practical instructions to be actively involved in ministry in their context.

The author must have had insider information to many different specific needs of this community of believers.

The character of Jesus never changes.

Our understanding of the gospel must be rooted in the essential truth of the gospel itself.

Let love continue (v.1).

Ministry toward other is highlighted here.

Lord, empower me to be on mission with you day by day.

7 ARROWS : Hebrews 12:14-29

This is encouragement and warnings about receiving God’s grace.

This is a very Jewish passage- lots of insider examples here.

God is holy and perfectly jealous.

We are prone to bitterness and immorality.

Fear God and enjoy him forevermore.

There is too much at stake for God to wink at sin. His holiness and his mission demand that sin be dealt with in this life as well as in eternity to come.

Lord Jesus, thank you for conquering sin and death. Empower me today to live in your freedom.

7 ARROWS : Hebrews 12:1-13

Since God himself is the author of our faith we must trust his is able to sustain us to walk with him even through difficult times.

This audience likely needed this kind of encouragement to get through their own hardships.

God is the beginning and the end- the perfecter of our faith.

Man doesn’t typically get excited about discipline but that is exactly what fosters growth.

Endure in Christ!

Verses 1-2 paint a beautiful picture of a heavenly cheering section. Be encouraged!

Father, you are the author, the source. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your story.

7 ARROWS : Hebrews 11

This “hall of faith” chapter chronicles some of God’s faithful Old Testament servants.

This list is a “who’s who” of Jewish heroes.

God rewards great faith.

These stories are so inspiring because true biblical faith is so difficult, so rare.

Fully count on God to keep his promises.

This chapter connects many old covenant characters to God’s bigger story.

Father God, you are always faithful to your promises- faithful to your own character. For this I am thankful and comforted.

7 ARROWS : Hebrews 10:19-39

Because Jesus is our great high priest we have family access to the very throne of God.

For devout Jews, the idea of being made holy to stand before God was beyond anyone’s wildest dreams.

God has gone to remarkable lengths to bring us close to himself.

There will be people who hear the gospel and understand it, yet reject it entirely.

Boldly come before God. Watch out for one another. Gather with other Christ-followers to prepare to be on mission together.

The “warning passage” section of v.26-31 is excellent to keep in mind while sharing the Gospel.

Father, I am thankful for the ability that you provided for me to draw close to you.

7 ARROWS : Hebrews 10:1-18

Jesus’ sacrifice is perfect and forevermore.

This is further underlining that the old covenant traditions pointed to the superior new covenant.

God’s promises are far better than we could ever imagine.

Our sins have to be paid for.

Fully trust/rest in Christ’s perfect sacrifice to resolve my sins.

Jesus’ once and for all time sacrifice is enough for anyone.

Jesus, thank you for your perfect sacrifice.

7 ARROWS : Hebrews 9

The old covenant regulations and traditions were a shadow of what was to come- Christ, the substance of the new covenant.

Since the original audience was so familiar with the old covenant this explanation of the new covenant made perfect sense.

Jesus provided the required one time blood sacrifice and is now our mediator before God.

Humanity’s contribution to salvation is providing the sin which needs atoning for. There is no shortage.

Always accurately champion Jesus as the complete sacrifice and mediator.

Jesus’ work & death on earth was purposeful in every way. Him being our mediator now is no less purposeful.

Jesus, I am eternally grateful for the work and love only you can provide.

7 ARROWS : Hebrews 8

The new covenant is here!

Covenant was a deep spiritual truth. The old covenant is obsolete because it is fulfilled in Christ, the new covenant.

God keeps his promises completely and always.

Man’s gaze is bent toward trying to please God through ritual and works.

Celebrate the new covenant.

Some people get hung up on the old testament- “what is it about?” It points to Jesus, the new covenant.

Father, thank you for your fulfilled promises yesterday, today, and forever.

7 ARROWS : Hebrews 7

Jesus is the superior priest- perfect in every way.

Melchizedek was a Jewish hero- a legendary priest. To say Jesus is superior to him is a monumental statement in the ancient Jewish world.

Jesus is perfect- holy, innocent, undefiled, separated from sinners- a perfect sacrifice.

People need more than any “holy man” can deliver. Only Jesus is enough.

Depend on Jesus as High Priest and all sufficient sacrifice.

Jesus paid for sins once and for all. People need to know this.

Lord Jesus, you are superior to any “holy man”. You are perfect in every way. Thank you for your character, your sacrifice, and your love.